Digging into my own memory here, correct me if I'm wrong again:
* ME was good until ME3, where they botched up the ending and had to tack on a DLC to resolve most of the issues. Did they replace the whole ending or just tack something on? IDK, afaik they didn't do much to the base game - which IMO was fine, but then, I only played it well after the necessary patching.
* Witcher 1 had pretty much a full rebuild IIRC, to make it, you know, an actual game
. The dev team behind the Witcher games seems (seemed?) to have a very much "heck at 50 years of game engine development, we'll do our own! yeet!". I don't recall anything major being done to Witcher 2 or 3.
* Skyrim is still shit,
* GTA... don't recall anything happening there; GTA 5's singleplayer hasn't been touched at all as far as I know. Neither has its multiplayer, in that it hasn't gotten any major content but keeps raking in dankloads of money. But, I haven't heard much from it so correct me if I'm wrong and if they actually did add more heists and shit in there.
* NMS was... an overhyped early access game which thanks to having a lot of money they could still keep developing on for another three years to finish it.
There's a number of recent examples that prove new games don't need 2-5 years of rework to finish. I struggled through FFXV and then went on to Horizon, which honestly felt like a relief. What was changed in that game after release? As far as I can tell, just one DLC, that's it. More recently I played through God of War, also nothing wrong with that, has that gotten any patches at all?
What's the difference between SE and Sony / Guerilla / Santa Monica? They all have dankloads of money, I don't see why SE would get a pass on delivering a substandard and late product when there's other studios that are able to announce and publish a complete, functioning, good looking, critically acclaimed game in the current console generation.