Journey (PS3/PS4)


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's official: It'll be on PSN for $14.99 starting March 13th, 2012.

That's just over three weeks, you guys!!!!

As you may know from my recent tweet, the development of our latest PlayStation Network game, Journey, is finally complete. And today, we’re very excited to announce the official release date for Journey. You will be able to download it from the PlayStation Store for $14.99 starting March 13th, 2012. Three years ago, our last game, Flower, was part of the Spring Fever event on PSN, and this year Journey will kick off this year’s Spring Fever. Look for more information on the highlight games and sales of this year’s Spring Fever event on the PlayStation.Blog in the coming weeks.

With each game we create, we want to bring something truly unique and authentic to the user. We want our players to experience something they have never felt before. Our first game for PSN was flOw in 2007, a meditative zen video game haiku. We followed that in 2009 with Flower, our video game version of a poem about the tension between urban bustle and natural serenity. Journey, our third game, is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s.

You wake alone and surrounded by miles of burning, sprawling desert, and soon discover the looming mountaintop which is your goal. Faced with rolling sand dunes, age-old ruins, caves and howling winds, your passage will not be an easy one. The goal is to get to the mountaintop, but the experience along the way is discovering who you are, what this place is, and what your purpose is. Travel and explore this ancient, mysterious world alone, or with a stranger you meet along the way. Soar above ruins and glide across sands as you discover the secrets of a forgotten civilization. Featuring stunning visuals, haunting music, and unique online gameplay, Journey delivers an experience like no other.

This last Sunday, February 12th, was the anniversary of the launch of our previous game Flower. We started working on Journey right after Flower launched, and the past three years have flown by extremely fast. In these three years, we at thatgamecompany and our friends in SCEA Santa Monica Studio have faced many challenges together and emerged stronger. Much sweat and tears have been put into the development of the game, and many people have come and gone.

So for us, the Journey in the game has also become a metaphor for the development process of the game itself. Our team is very close to our own mountaintop; we are just a few short weeks away from letting the world experience what we’ve poured our hearts and souls into these last three years. I can’t describe how eager we are to let everyone finally play the game and hear about your experiences with it.

Stay tuned for more Journey news and updates in the coming weeks.

X :neo:




Harbinger O Great Justice
I keep thinking that I can't be any more excited about this game...

...and then I read things like that.

Three more weeks....

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I've seen a shitton of 10/10's, several 9/10's, and a single 8/10 so far (ThatGameCompany has been linking reviews on Facebook). I'm censoring myself from anything else about it until it comes out.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
OH, HOLY SHIT YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS+ Users get Journey a week early!!!!!!

I'm gonna be playing this on Tuesday!!!!!

THAT'S IN FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy shit, guys. I'm so excited. Also, there's a Dynamic Theme that you can get for preordering it, (or if you're PS+).

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

Just rub our faces in it why don't you. :(

jk Even still, I'm glad we don't have much longer. :)


Harbinger O Great Justice
I promise not to gush about it until the 13th. ;)

This also makes me glad, because Ultimate Ninja Storm: Generations comes out on the 13th, so I don't have to cram one experience on top of the other. I'll have a whole week to let Journey sink in and just lose myself in the experience (If it's anything like Flower, I'll probably play through it a ton of times).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
No one in this thread probably needs convincing, but seriously - pick this game up on Tuesday.

Also- the offline and online experiences in this game both hold something unique and slightly different.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I pretty much told my mom that I didn't care what I got for Christmas if anything so long as SotC was under that tree. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Ditto. So excited!

I know the system will put a random other player in our game, but it would be neat if I could tell it I wanted you or Tenny. How cool would it be if we ended up together anyway? We'd never even know it. =P


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I cannot wait to be able to discuss this with you guys!

X :neo:

Have you beat it yet X? This isn't really a spoiler, but is there any option to find out who the other player is after the game?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You play as this cloaked figure, crossing a vast desert, journeying toward a mountain in the distance. While crossing the desert, you may encounter other players who are currently making the same journey, but there's no way of communicating with them beyond your actions in the game itself.


Higher Further Faster
I just realized I have Tuesday off of work.

I also just realized that I'm going to be busy all day. :(


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Octo: Yes I have. I've played through the game several times and my experiences each time have been unique in ways that I will get into once everyone else has gotten a chance with it. (It's intentionally designed to be able to be played in a single go). In case some consider your question a spoiler, I will tag the answer.
Each character you meet will have a unique symbol, when you complete the game there is a short screen that lists the PSN ID of the player, next to their symbol.

@Tenny, the PS Store usually updates in the late afternoon, so maybe you'll still have time if you're not TOO busy.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
We should plan a time to play at the same time and see if we can all end up in the same game.

Do I even have you guys on PSN?

Also, I anticipate being busy all day into the evening/night. But hopefully it won't be too bad.
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