Kitase would consider FF HD collections

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
When you ask the everyday gamer what their favourite Final Fantasy was, you’re likely to get a lot of different responses... whether that’s VII, VIII or X, whatever, fans are split on what their favourite Final Fantasy is.

With Sony and Ubisoft leading the way with HD remake collections of classic titles, we turned the question over to Final Fantasy Producer, Yoshinori Kitase, who told us that they were undecided at the moment, but if there’s a strong enough voice, they would “seriously consider it.”

“We haven’t made up our mind about that yet,” said Kitase, “but if there was a strong voice coming through from the users asking for such porting, then obviously we would seriously consider it, but no actual plans yet.”

So there you have it folks... speak up, shout from the rooftops, email Square Enix, start petitions, have it tattooed on your forehead or marry a Thai bride, have children and name them after Final Fantasy’s lead characters. If this makes your mouth water at the prospect of reliving them in HD, let’s see that strong voice.

Check back later on for the full Final Fantasy XIII-2 transcript from our chat with Kitase and Final Fantasy Director, Motomu Toriyama.


The demand is quite painfully OBVIOUSLY there. Fuck sake I would LOVE to be able to play FF10 and FF12 in HD on my 360 ;_;


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Dear Squenix,

Remake FFVI, FFVII, and FFIX in HD. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I think they're mostly referring to the PS2 titles.

That said it's absolutely moronic to think the demand isn't there. People have been buying but their remakes and re-releases like fucking crack.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Probably, but VI and VII are clearly the ones people want remade the most.

Yeah but the HD collection series aren't remakes. Just upscaled and remastered versions of games with a bit of added Anti-Aliasing. Some cleaner textures too.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ah. Obviously out-and-out remakes would be a lot more expensive. But the demand is obviously there.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'd much rather see time and money go into full remakes. Ports are a waste of time at this point since it's been done so many times (granted not with the more recent FFs). If you're not going to do a remake, don't bother me with ports. Use your efforts on new games.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't buy them though :sadpanda:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'd much rather see time and money go into full remakes. Ports are a waste of time at this point since it's been done so many times (granted not with the more recent FFs). If you're not going to do a remake, don't bother me with ports. Use your efforts on new games.

No they're not. FFX and XII are both very awesome games that would benefit heavily from high resolution, better textures, and anti-aliasing.


Pro Adventurer
And Sephiroth Street Syndicate, the new Racing game by SE.

Honestly, i would take a port any day over a full fledged HD remake. SE would take there sweet ass time releasing it. Im already tired of waiting 5 years for full fledged new games to come out, i dont want to be waiting 2-3 years for games i already played.

That said i'd love all the games to be available on psn, even just ports i'd rather play them again at home staring at a tv then on my ds/psp.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I would love to see a remake especially on X, my favorite videogame of all time. I would also buy a re-release for XII too. Dang I do hope these guys consider this... HD is just pure goodness.


Pro Adventurer
If done, I assume X would look something like this, only better:





And Dirge:



(Screencaps from pcsx2 emulator)

Dumb Apple

Soul Wrought of Terra Corrupt
Geostigma, Omega Gist
<<" They've been tiptoeing around the idea of doing HD remakes since they released the FF VII Tech Demo in what, 2007?

I vaguely remember the issue then being how do they do the free roaming World Maps in HD/realistically, because the proportions and look of those were always jacked. Besides, I don't want to hear shit about them remaking old games until I get me a piece of v.13 /grumble

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As I said before, this isn't about remakes, HD collections are remasters of old games. As in the PS2 games being brought up to today's standards of image quality on home consoles.

Versus doesn't exist :/


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I have a feeling that, if they don't do full fledged remakes, people will then ask for HD remasters, and if that doesn't happen, there'll be mass rioting.
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