Limit Breaks


From your most early FFVII experience to the most recent, which are your favourite and most useful limit breaks? Also including your least favourite and the ones you feel are the least useful.

Back before I knew how to get characters to level up their limit, I used to find Cloud's Cross-Slash and Climhazzard very useful. However playing it now I love focusing on Tifa because her limits can be very powerful early in the game with her chain attacks. In disc one I found her doing more damage then Cloud, the downside only being the ''Miss'' and the random enemies she attacks.

Aerith's Healing Wind was always the life saver back in the days, she only got to limit level 1 in my first few playthroughs, however Fury Brand was a very interesting limit that fills the other two characters their limit!

I also remember how useless I used to find Barret's Mindblow. I also disliked Yuffie's Landscaper, thinking how lame it is for a limit break to miss flying enemies. Cait Sith's limits were always fun, and I think that's just it! You wouldn't know what will pop out.

With limit level 4's Cloud was the dominant one, Tifa's depends on luck, Aerith's is too useful to be around and Cid's was good. I was very disapointed though with some characters have a ''one'' hit attack like Yuffie and Nanaki.


Pro Adventurer
By character:

Cloud: I like his level 2 limits the most - Climhazzard is really powerful, while Blade Beam looks cool and hits multiple targets. Meteorain is good too, but I usually skip over Finishing Touch immediately on the way to Omnislash. Instant death attacks are cheap.

Barret: After Big Shot, his limits are all a bit disappointing until level 3. Mindblow is only useful once or twice in the whole game, for example.

Tifa: I always go for "Yeah!", but I'm not very good at it, so her limit break ends up being pretty weak most of the time.

Aeris: I've still never gotten her to learn a level 2 limit break, heh. I know they're pretty amazing from Fury Brand onwards, but I'm lazy and I've never needed them. Healing Wind is already very useful.

Red XIII: Status-based limit breaks? No thanks. Stardust Ray is just about his only good limit, but you have to use the terrible Blood Fang (weaker than Sled Fang, despite being one level higher) seven times to get it.

Yuffie: I like Clear Tranquil; it never hurts to have another cure-all option. Landscaper is hit-and-miss (literally, since it doesn't hit flying enemies), but Bloodfest is really great for a level 2 limit break. She's one of a few characters whose level 4 limit break is ultimately worse than an earlier one - in her case, Doom of the Living is the best.

Cait Sith: Dice can be really strong - Pathfinder players, take note - but I suck at lining up his Slots, so I've never managed to get about half of his attacks.

Vincent: Death Gigas is probably the best of a bad bunch, at least until Chaos. Hell Masker is a bit weak, since most bosses are immune to one of his two attacks.

Cid: Pretty good all around, with Dragon being the only weak one. Highwind is the best limit break in the game, period.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Literally everything he said

^ This.

With one exception: Red XIII's LB Earth Rave can be pretty devastating if used on a single opponent. Doesn't stack up to Ungarmax or Meteorrain, but impressive still.

Tifa's LB are terrible. I've never taken the time to get her past Level 2 which is my fault, but even so it's just so boring.


I'm currently making what I call a slaythrough, which is basically a normal walkthrough lol but with edge! The edge being that I'll be keeping Aerith around even after her death, hopefully nothing goes wrong!

I also level up the character's limits off-screen so it's more entertaining to watch and I've been having lots of fun with Tifa, like I said, she can have early in the game very good chain attacks if hit with a Yeah!

Next video I'm uploading later today or tomorrow will be visiting Cosmo Canyon, Aerith and Tifa are limit level 3.


Double Growth
Tifa's limits are excellent. It's just not worth shooting for Yeahs after the first four limits or so, but you still wind up doing pretty darn good damage with four yeahs and three hits. Certainly better than missing all the last ones shooting for Yeahs. I love her limit chain. If you DO get all Yeahs, her chain can stand up to Omnislash.

Agreed on Earth Rave though, it's better than Cosmo Memory and usually the one I stick with all game (much like Yuffie). Also, Lunatic High is actually pretty good until you have access to Big Guard.

Ungermax is of course very good, but I always thought Satellite Beam was just so damn cool. So is Catastrophe.

I've never gotten Aerith further than Fury Brand...but Fury Brand is freakin amazing.

Avec's last FF7 playthrough was the first time I've ever seen Vincent's Chaos (besides DoC). Super cool.

My original team was Cloud, Barret, and Red until I saw my friend use Cid's Dragon Dive. He was immediately in, and so began my love of Dragoons.

Cait Sith: lol.

Flintlock said:
Cloud: I like his level 2 limits the most - Climhazzard is really powerful, while Blade Beam looks cool and hits multiple targets. Meteorain is good too, but I usually skip over Finishing Touch immediately on the way to Omnislash. Instant death attacks are cheap.

Instant death attacks are cheap, but not 18 consecutive hits of 5,000+ dmg :monster:
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