Love the og or the remake part 1?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
The remake has some fantastic characterisation. I think in particular Barret was elevated to a completely amazing character. "Whatever came before, it was Shinra that pulled the trigger today" + "A good man who serves a great evil is not without sin" were some fantastic character moments. He really comes across as someone who is politically intelligent while also too eager to make dangerous choices for the greater good.

It's a real, real big shame how this is undermined with the decision to make Shinra be responsible for Mako reactor 1 exploding. The pacing is also a disaster. This part of the story wasn't meant to take this long, at all. The padding is rarely done well, and usually the game is most successful when it's mirroring the plotting and pacing of the original. It's interesting because the character work was what I was scared they'd mess up, but it's instead the highlight while most everything else suffers.

- fans remember it not for its climate scene (the LS scene) but Aerith's death: it's a failure in storytelling
- a good chunk of them tried to revive Aerith: it's a failure of getting your message across

This is a very strange criticism and the way you're deeming these as objective failures and mistakes is weird to read. Some fans trying to revive Aerith just shows an extreme attachment to the character, because her death was completely shocking after the way she was built up to have so much importance. The silence of her absence is pretty deafening. People misinterpret the meaning of great works of art all the time - that is no slight on their quality, and the OG greats a wonderful sense of permanent loss when Aerith is killed. This resonated with many people, and is one of the most iconic successes in all final fantasy. It's not a mistake that the lifestream sequence isn't as well known because you've ranked it higher in importance to the plot.


Fire and Blood
It's pretty funny to me that their solution to upping the stakes is to add destiny. Anyway, OG for me.

What do you mean, destiny has always been a theme in the OG, there's plenty of mention of it in it.

This is a very strange criticism and the way you're deeming these as objective failures and mistakes is weird to read. Some fans trying to revive Aerith just shows an extreme attachment to the character, because her death was completely shocking after the way she was built up to have so much importance. The silence of her absence is pretty deafening. People misinterpret the meaning of great works of art all the time - that is no slight on their quality, and the OG greats a wonderful sense of permanent loss when Aerith is killed. This resonated with many people, and is one of the most iconic successes in all final fantasy. It's not a mistake that the lifestream sequence isn't as well known because you've ranked it higher in importance to the plot.

These are objectively fails on the OG because it failed to convey its message (and apparently it was more than "some" who tried to revive her). It was very limited back then, but the fact remains that decades later, people still think not killing Aerith is a good idea for Remake, while it still have a "loss" theme. I love her in Remake, but I know deep down that her dying makes a *better story* and in the end, that's what I want.

You know, when I first played the OG, I totally expected the gang to talk *more* about her - but they barely did, and when Cloud did, he mischaracterised her and Tifa had to correct him. It was just so weird to me, and I do expect this to be corrected in this trilogy - but I will say it, I also expect to see her in the Lifestream and how she acts to try to save the planet alongside the living.

Also yes, the Lifestream scene is the most important moment in the OG, this is where you learn the truth about Cloud, his feelings, the past and how it affects the present. The devs put it as their favourite scene for a goddamn reason, it's that important, that impacting. It's not me who deems it more important than Aerith's death, it is the story. The fact that fans ignore it is pretty damning about how they missed the story of FFVII. And honestly FFVII deserves to see its message be understood loud and clear, for all it carries with it. If I was telling a story and half of the fans missed it, then certainly I would think that I need to change things in the way I narrate so people would get it; and in all honesty? It looks to me that's what they're doing with Remake.


Rookie Adventurer
What do you mean, destiny has always been a theme in the OG, there's plenty of mention of it in

I'm talking about the dumb decision of adding whispers to the game. It's funny to me because despite years experience in writing, this is what they came up with.


Fire and Blood
The Whispers are just like the rest: the extension of the original idea of fate that was present in the OG, just like a lot of ideas were expanded upon. They also helped us understand how the Lifestream works, gave us a lot of context to the Compilation, gave us hints for the future as well. Yes the way they were presented was annoying, but I do think it was on purpose - so that the gang (and the players) would misunderstand the visions they're shown at the end. Because they de facto considered them as enemies.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
It's pretty difficult to measure. Remake does a lot of things well, but it has a lot more time, money and technology to do it, stuff that wouldn't be possible in 1997, so it's hard to call it a failing. The script is longer, so they can do more.

Remake has some superb character work and the slums are brilliantly expanded, but the Turks have a giant hole in their motivations and Shinra in general is a weak point. Whether that is a weakness or a creative difference is tricky, especially as we don't have the full story yet.

The Whispers are up in the air, we need to know more. Intergrade hurt them for me, because the 'time guardians' premise breaks when they don't try to protect the Dirge part of the timeline, so now they're not timeline guardians, they're just militant OG purists. Yuffie's intro is some of the most superb character writing I've seen, you know everything you need to know about her in like thirty seconds.

It's just too difficult to judge.
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