Mandy Moore as Aerith


The Pixie King
Does anyone know why Mandy Moore didnt reprise her role as Aerith after Kingdom Hearts? I wonder if she was asked back or if she turned it down.

I just watched Tangled, and her voice would be perfect. At the time of KH, she just starred in 'A walk to remember'. Her voice had this kinda fragile quality that worked perfectly. Its just a shame her dialogue in AC and CC is aweful.

If they did a remake, I would hope they do some dialogue rewrites and give Mandy Moore a call.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think fan reception had a lot to do with it. There was bitching just because it was Mandy Moore, same as there was bitching about Sephiroth in that game just because it was Lance Bass.

I thought Mandy was the best Aerith, though. Better than Andrea Bowen and Maaya Sakamoto both -- and she was definitely better than fucking Mena Suvari. I still hurt whenever I think about that.


Double Growth
I like the idea that Square/Disney was annoyed at the fan reception and said, "All right. We'll make you wish for Mandy Moore, cocksuckers." :monster:

It has been a very long time since I played KHI, so I can't really remember how it sounded, but I know I never had a problem with it. And I always had a problem with Suvari. Bowen does a decent job though. I just wish they kept her in ACC and gave someone else the moogle girl.
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The Pixie King
Yeah, Mandy more is a proper actress and voice actress. She makes that role her own


Fuck the haters. I love Mandy Moore :monster:

I always really loved Mandy as Aerith. Lance Bass as Sephiroth didn't exactly bother me because... did he even have any lines? He just sorta grunted and stuff. I thought it was more funny than anything.

It'll be interesting if they ever do a Tangled level in any future KH games. Not gonna lie, she was flawless in that movie.


Higher Further Faster
Thanking every post in this thread. It always annoyed me that people were bitching because oh no it was Mandy Moore the pop-star. Never mind the fact that she was just a person doing a job, and a damn good job at that.

I think people are eating their words now. I like to think that they are. :monster:


wangxian married
I loved Mandy Moore as Aeris.

But I'm also a huge Sakamoto fangirl and she the Aeris to me. Even though I can't understand a lot of moonspeak, she's good at balancing the playful tone and ~mysterious cetra~ without sounding all over the place.


unsavory tart
I loved Mandy Moore as Aerith, even before they replaced her with some godawful talent.

I always figured it was because she was going big. MM actually produced a few well selling albums at that age so I figured she wanted to move on. The same way that was maybe the reason for David Boreaneazdfsjklfdswhatever his name is Angel didn't do it. Or she asked for more money.


On a similar note, I though Davi... Angel was a great Squall.

Even before KH's release a friend and I were discussion who would make a good Squall voice. We both agreed on DB :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I like David Boreanaz than Doug...whoever his last name was. Infact I prefer Yuffie, Squall and Aerith's original VA's from KH than in KH2. But I'm still mixed between Mae Whitman and Kim Possible @ v @

But I'm in favour of Mandy and David as Aerith and Squall tbh.


Double Growth
I always wondered what happened to Christy Carlson Romano as Yuffie in Dirge. I thought she did a really good job in AC and KH (especially AC). I know there wasn't outcry about her, but I wonder if she was asked back. As far as I know she hasn't been in anything else, so its not like she's got too much work...

That said, her replacement wasn't bad. No one could have made her sound good with the slapstick they had her doing in that game...

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I just hated mena suvari's acting for aerith. She can make Aerith sound stoned off drugs as much as willa holland can make Aqua's voice sound stoned. ;/

I didn't like Leon/Squall's replacement because he sounded drawling and not as enigmatic as David Boreanaz's voice can.


Pro Adventurer
CL, Prompto
I thought Mae Whitman's voice acting in DoC was kinda cringe worthy. Out of all the roles I've heard her play I thought she flopped there. :s


Double Growth
I remember the when I saw the KH2 interview with Mena Suvari, just speaking with her normal voice. I instantly thought, "!! Just use that!" She tries to talk WAY too high for Aeris, hence the monotone. I probably still wouldn't love her, but it would be an improvement.

And who's Mae Whitman? Is that Yuffie's DC voice?
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Double Growth
...wait...isn't it Christy Carlson Romano in KH2? I thought that's where they got the voice for AC, since she's a Disney Channel girl and all.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
You are wrong, Forcestealer.

AC and KH Yuffie - Kim Possible
KH 2 and DoC Yuffie - Mae Whitman/Roxy Ritcher from scott pilgrim


Double Growth
Hm...well that's really odd then, considering KH2 came out before AC. So they got someone else and then when back to her and then went back to the other girl.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
KHII did see release in North America first, but remember that AC's NA release date kept getting pushed back. They'd probably had Romano's voice work done for a while.

Celes Chere

I wasn't blaming her acting. O_o

It's Sora and Squall refuses to call Leon what the shit who said those lines. <XD
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