Marine Caves and Caverns

Where, exactly, are these meant to be?
My feeling is that the marine caves are in Mideel, and the caverns are in the Northern Continent, but I don't know why I think that, and I could be wrong. Anyone know?
PS It's so annoying when the mission orders say you're going to be defending the slums, and then you end up outside Chocobo Billy's farm. Too bad they didn't set more missions in Upper Midgar.


Double Growth
Howabout that ONE mission on a boat. I got there and thought "sweet, once you get this far they start adding new maps!"

Nope :(
I know! I love the boat!
More than anything, though, I wish they'd included Wall Market, the Honeybee Inn, and Don Corneo's mansion. Zack could have had some great missions there.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Where, exactly, are these meant to be?
My feeling is that the marine caves are in Mideel, and the caverns are in the Northern Continent, but I don't know why I think that, and I could be wrong. Anyone know?
PS It's so annoying when the mission orders say you're going to be defending the slums, and then you end up outside Chocobo Billy's farm. Too bad they didn't set more missions in Upper Midgar.

The caverns themselves are referenced as being both the Corel Mines and the Mythril Mines, among others.

The marine caves, however, are a completely different kettle of fish. Nothing in the original game even resembles them. Northern Crater would be a good guess as many of the Minerva missions are set in the caves and we know that it comes from a similar northern cave. Alternatively, remember the places in FF7 with the Key to the Ancients, the City of the Ancients or Lucrecia's Cave. All of these places may have surroundings bearing similarities to the marine caves. And that doesn't even start on the possibilities of Junon and the water systems there beneath the city.

I enjoyed the ship mission too. Even missions that went back to a level on Junon would have been good, like they did with the Genesis divers in Costa del Sol. I would also have loved a jungle terrain like the one in DoC Online, or at the airport.

Midgar streets would have also been brilliant. Very Before Crisis-like. Mmmmmmmm....


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The green, underground mines, are the Mythril Mines of FFVII.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Gaia's a big place. Has anyone considered the possibility (or rather, its likely) that they're just a random, previously unmentioned location somewhere? It doesn't have to be somewhere we've already seen.

And yeah, the lack of variety in missions in CC really took an otherwise pretty good game down a few notches.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I have to echo you all there on wishing there were more maps. Or less missions. lol
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