Mass Effect Series

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Playing Andromeda, rather enjoying it. This one had mixed reception, not quite sure why. It's a bit glitchy, but nothing worldbreaking. Someone named Sid on the Nexus keeps saying 'Ryder, I need to talk to you' and then refusing to talk to me when I try.

We dug up and decrypted the datapad, and my old policy of 'Always keep the krogan at your back to compensate for your inadequacies' is still paying off. The way the quests are sorted is nice, you know what's important and what isn't. The romance options being made obvious is a double edged sword, because I'm left thinking 'I don't really want to reply that, but if I don't does that close off their route?' Cora is solid and reliable, but it's hard to imagine her being anything but a team mascot on an Asari huntress team, she's like thirty and they would all be like 200, there's no reason they should take her seriously at all.

Dear God, a morally ambiguous father in a Mass Effect game? Surely not! I'm half expecting him to be the final boss.

I'm enjoying doing real diplomacy and worldbuilding instead of war, whenever combat happens I'm like 'oh no, combat'. My team is Drack and Jaal, swapping in Cora every now and again. Better gender diversity is nice, but we left a lot of species behind in the Milky Way, it seems.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Completed the main story of Andromeda. Brought back a lot of classic stuff from ME1 that I missed, Somehow failed to romance Cora despite trying to trip every flag. I don't really like the ME romance system (no one's ever just not into you, orientation aside, you just hit the wrong option on the dialogue tree), but somehow I missed something despite romance options being very flagged in this one. I seem to have done something after the end of the story to change that, but don't know if that's too late. Would be nice if it wasn't just for storytelling reasons, because it then doesn't have to be complete before the final battle, feels more natural. On the whole I think my preferred romance option would be Drack.

Kett are fairly dull. Peebee' s loyalty mission and everything about it made me want to kick her off the team, lots of really annoying sidequests to make it happen and the quest itself killed any interest in her character. Drack's was great, Vetra's was good, Jaals took too much to unlock but might have been good if I wasn't rooting for the villain, Cora ok if predictable, Liam's fairly weak. Did like Avitus' mission though.

Limited interest in more outposts, I don't really care about pregnant lady, so the only reason to do it would be to complete Liam's quest. Doubt it's worth it. Lots of loose ends, sequel bait or just missed I don't know.

never did find out who killed Jien Garson, had been assuming it was Alec because he's a biological father in a Mass Effect game and is therefore secretly evil.

Do like how you don't need to do every quest for 100pc viability, seems fairly arbitrary though. Just got Elaaden to 100PC without touching the monoliths at all. The Krogan are fun, everyone else is like ' how can we survive in this harsh unforgiving environment' and they're all perfectly fine because it's more habitable than where they normally lived back home.

Edit: Also, how are we travelling arouns a galaxy with no mass relays in it without taking decades each trip?

Edit 2: Apparently the thing I failed to do was ask her about her romantic history as her direct superior, which I didn't do on purpose because I thought it was unprofessional and creepy. Oh well.
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