Depends on where. Current depictions of Midgar are bigger than the original, but it's also extremely in consistent since there's things like the key art that imply that ShinRa HQ should be visible practically anywhere in the city, and yet some scenes in the trailers seem to imply that the city blocks are far, far bigger, unless they all somehow manage to be facing away from it.
It could be that it's all dumped on the outskirts instead of directly between the sectors. There seems to be a general implication that slum dwellers like to stay close to the central pillar. It may just be because that also acts as the only access point to the plate, but it also may be that the outer edges are borderline uninhabitable.
Another concept to consider is that in the compilation, not all the plate dwellers are equal. There's references in Denzel's story that some sectors are wealthier than others. So the very worst sectors may have the burden of living above the dump sites.
I do kind of want to push the conversation back to my bigger concern though about how you even build a floating city like Midgar.