Better cookie monster, finished it with a friend yesterday. I'll also post a screenshot of the render (it's a top-down view of the whole world I'm playing on right now). Here's the work in progress list:
The cookie monster, original 32x32
enlarged to 64x64:
Cleared out a 64x64 area from all trees, flattened it, etc. First step, dig out the outline:
Outline all dug out, wewt.
Filling the outline with lava. Quench with water to make black rocks (obsidian).
Outline all filled
Same, then by day and after some cleaning up:
Dug out a checked pattern. The holes have to be filled with water. Has to be checkered because else you get uneven flowing water, which is suboptimal. Partially filled with water already down below.
All filled up, blocks removed, I am awesome
...and wasted far too much hours working on this all week. Fuck this game sucks, die in a fire.
Anyways, I hope all of the multiplayer issues right now will be fixed in the update in two weeks. It sucks that you can't have minecarts and shit in MP, those are completely b0rken and the admins (plus everyone else) treat minecarts like it's cancer and aids combined into an all new horrendous disease, mutating people into something uncouth.
I suggested purging the server with lava if minecarts get built again,
I'd also like to see the developer create either a plugin system, or to add features like user rights and 'property' and other grief-protection. Right now that's done using a plugin based on decompiled (and obfuscated) game code, :/.