this should be uploaded as it's the cutest thing i've ever seen
will upload to my own server when cba.FAIL
but is it followed by 'I'm going to stick my finger in his bum!'?At one point, Fang says something like 'He's a cute little critter, isn't he?'.
It was a Steve Urwin moment.
That's only because there's one bit where Hope says:
Hope: It makes me happy when you smile.
Vanille: Oh! I-I didn't know you felt like that!
/Hope runs off laughing
Hope: Now we're even!
It's a joke, but it made me ANGRY
well, the other popular Hope pair is himxLightening and that is just NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.It's also because of how huggy and sweet Vanille is. And lesbians are "sooo gross".
They're right. Pedophilia is SO much better. >=/ Hope is only fourteen.
(I need to stfu though since I like Larsa x Penelo )