Mod dispute over LTD

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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
You took issue with me doing my prescribed job in that thread, and then you mocked me for it. We're not restricted by those standards outside that thread, why the hell would I show you respect when you've shown me none?

TLS has rules about insulting members--in ALL threads. You've insulted me, and my intelligence, several times now. That's what I mean about hypocrisy. I have no problem with you enforcing the stricter rules in the LTD thread (now that I have a better understanding as to why they're being implemented) so long as you enforce the 'regular' rules and standards of the rest of the forum. Which you aren't doing. THAT is a double standard. Not a fabricated issue. Which is why I don't respect you.

I respect Tres, and appreciate his candor in telling me that he felt my post was mocking. It was not meant to be insultingly so, but I can see how it was taken as such.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
TLS has rules about insulting members--in ALL threads. You've insulted me, and my intelligence, several times now. That's what I mean about hypocrisy. I have no problem with you enforcing the stricter rules in the LTD thread (now that I have a better understanding as to why they're being implemented) so long as you enforce the 'regular' rules and standards of the rest of the forum. Which you aren't doing. THAT is a double standard. Not a fabricated issue. Which is why I don't respect you.

Did I call you a moron, a retard, or a fool? NO. I have directly commented on the things you have said and done. That breaks no rule, and if it did the rest of the staff would call me on it.

Your double standard is nonsense born out of the fact that you couldn't handle me telling everyone to tone it down in that thread. Your hypocrisy is bullshit. If anyone is a hypocrite it is you, because you got pissy and mocked me demanding I "tone it down", now you cry about me flaming you and insulting your intelligence?

Luckily I don't need your respect, nor do I deem it worth my time. The thread is being strictly moderated and the rest of the board isn't.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You know what, this isn't getting anywhere. The discussion has taken its course.

The fact of the matter is, the LTD thread will be dealt with strictly and with additional moderation due to its previous history, and none of the moderators were out of line in said handling of the thread with the new rules in mind. If anyone has a beef with it, they can go to another topic and discuss whatever they want where the rules of the LTD are not in place. But the rules are going to stay the same for that thread, and the moderation will be done in that manner too. That's just how iti s.

If you don't like Dac, then I don't know what to tell you. He's the mod of that section and he's going to be ensuring its moderated and kept in line with how staff feel the thread needs to be handled.

If this is such a problem and members can't accept the thread being guided to ensure no one flames or causes the thread to turn into a cesspit of spam, egos, and personal attacks, I'll be more than happy to nuke it, and everyone else who's enjoying the discussion and regulated atmosphere will just have to miss out on it.

There's nothing else to say on it. For Christ's sake, no one's even been warned, banned or anything yet. People need to chill and either post, or take a break. The end.
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