Mods that I should / could install wicba


Mods that I should / could install wicba: (AME / Videos) (vB -> Wordpress bridge, users can log into the frontpage with their vB stuff, comments go to forums and vice-versa. The site does indicate it won't work with subdomains though due to cookie issues, which would be a bummer :/. Still though, we could just make the main forums location and just redirect visitors of there to make this work. - Something like a shop hack, there's demos on the page.

Just let me hear a definite 'yea' or 'nay' on either of the links. The latter one is especially up for debate - I hope you can disable some aspects of it, since I doubt we'd want to use all of it in order to keep the forums clean. Still though, I've seen it in use somewhere before (can't remember where), and it would promote people with good behaviour and put those with poor behaviour to shaem.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Wordpress integration and the videos hack are good ideas, methinks.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Coloured usernames doesn't really even require a hack, it should be pretty easy to manage with just some template modifications + custom profile fields. On top of that, it would be pretty easy to pretty up the postbit as fcf/fg have done and make it optional whether to view all the colouring, that way people don't have to get pissed off at others' custom font colours if they don't want to see them. Given access to templates + member profile fields I could probably set it up in about fifteen minutes.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Remove the bookmarks shit thing down the bottom of the page?
I approve of the hacks also.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Also mobile phone skin, FCF has a really nice one that i'm sure we can let you guys use.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
oh oh oh

and the Ajax stats box down the bottom of the page thats on FCF. AND SHOUTBOX.


Higher Further Faster
SHOUTBOX is an awesome idea. :)

Also Wordpress integration. :)

And would the video thing mean that we'd be able to post YouTube vids again?


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
You should be able to post youtube vids already because this version of VB already has it. But it could be disabled.


Higher Further Faster
You know I haven't thought to test it on vB yet. All I know is that on the forum we were on before every single video had the "external embedding disabled" thing even on vids where it hadn't been. :/


[ame=""]YouTube - my little pony - the smooze[/ame]

EDIT: Guess not. :(
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
looks like it's not installed by default. I think there's a really simple modification they use on fcf/ffof/elsewhere.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
yar it is used on FCF, I thought it was default with the new VB but it must of been a hack.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
also, apparently TLS doesn't have a set way of keeping tracks of post reports & who's responded to them, which could lead to confusion among staff members. Best way to sort this out on a temporary basis is to make a separate subforum of the staff section for post reports and warnings issued, then go to vBulletin Options -> User Infractions & Post Reporting Options and set User Infraction Discussion and Post Reporting Discussion fora to the appropriate subforum. I'm sure there are moar sophisticated hacks to mirror what was set up on ACF, though - I'd look into it moar, but honestly neither FG nor FCF gets enough traffic to bother, and FFOF doesn't have enough activity to even bother enforcing rules really.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
i'm assuming it's in a part of the control panel you don't have access to. D;
I know I said shoutbox on the old forum but I don't remember what people said in response... but a shoutbox might be fun.

Also couldn't we embed youtube on SMF? It doesn't seem to be working here.
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We had a hack on SMF that embedded videos, but it quit working, probably due to Jewtube changing their video player or something.

On FFOF we have the same hack I listed in the first post, which should be easy enough to integrate.

The WP integration hack can be installed, however, the forums would have to move from to in order to work. It's a minor change really, but people might be bothered by it.

V as admin's fine by me, but I don't decide who becomes admin - poast a poll fgj, as I indicated earlier, :monster:.

Mods don't have access to the full ACP, just to the bits that matter. vB options can be edited by regular admins though (i.e. me, X, and 'Oeyes). I'll set up the report thingy now, fgj, and look at the plugins once I'm done reading the rest of the threads.


Thar, videos can be embedded now. Just post the links and it'll work. For threads that have a youtube video link, just edit and save and it works (as with the last post on the previous page).

Edit: nvm, there's a script that converts old posts with youtube links to working videos. Running it now.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Getting rid of the subdomain isn't a big enough loss to be bothered by when compared to integrating with the front site. I doubt anyone will care much, especially since you can just install a word filter to change all links to match appropriately.

And I don't really want full adminship; you guys already have enough moderation staff and are doing fine by yourselves. The only stuff I rly need is access to the technical aspects of the control panel/ftp access :monster: If that still requires a poll though someone should set one up :p
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