MORE Parasite Eve...?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Looks like they want to do SOMETHING with Parasite Eve again! I unabashedly love the first game, so I really just hope that whatever they do with it is something more like the original game – especially in light of the Remake's combat system being a mix of ATB and active combat – and much less like The Third Birthday. What with all of the Resident Evil remakes nailing the tone of Remakes, I wouldn't be against getting a new Parasite Eve remake, or something a lot like the original as a new story.

X :neo:

Erotic Materia

I had the original parasite eve (although, it might have been a ripped game, now that I think about it), and I just couldn't get into it. I don't remember much about it, aside from having no fucking idea what the hell was going on.

But then again, I've never been much for horror games.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Especially with the Remake doing the ARPG+ATB thing, I'm really surprised that more people haven't drawn comparisons to the original Parasite Eve. Also, PE2 was a bit more of a Resident Evil shooter, so I never really got into it the same way as the original. Also – the creepy atmosphere of smooth jazz battle music is something properly fantastic that is quite unique to that game.

X :neo:


AI Researcher
i liked the gameplay of the 3rd birthday

i just didn't like

all the stuff they did with the characters

so please don't do that again

just ignore it and all the time jumping interdimensional stuff or whatever was going on there idek

go back to 'whoa freaky mutations!' and just. never bring up t3b again, pretend it was never related to parasite eve at all. because it might as well not have been and i really shouldn't
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