More VII PlayArts (DoC Vincent, Yuffie, Rufus)


Pro Adventurer





General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Oh. My. God. This totally proves that my dysfunctional love triangle is totally cannonz. SE has said so through their Play Arts Figures line. <fangirl squee>

But in all seriousness, those figures are amazing. I especially love Rufus. :Heart: Thank you for posting these amazing pics! :D
Thanks for the news. I must say though that I highly dislike Rufus's face. That "smirky" smile is unbecoming.

Ghost X

I remember when I went into an anime store (I think only one exists in my state :P), and they had a 12 inch Sephiroth figurine for AUD$140 or something like that. I'm glad it was that expensive, otherwise I would have bought it. In these modern times, I can control my impulses to buy things.

These ones look pretty good.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I like the Yuffie one. For all the hating on AC outfits lately, I always really liked Yuffie's.

I can say I liked hers the best out of all of them. Vincent's too, I guess, but that's pretty much the same as his OG look (though his OG gauntlet will always be superior).

The news about Rufus has been around for a few months. All I want to know is when I can order him (even with the smirk!).

Same here! Haven't ordered an FF figure in yeeeaaars, but I definitely want this one. Wish Kotobukiya was making this Rufus, though -- they made the best FF figures.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Glad they got Rufus, and the Yuffie and Vincent sculpts look amazing, but did they just troll me again about Cid and Barrett?

The group will NEVER get together! D:
Can you take his bandage on and off, or does he come with two heads? He doesn't appear to have any geostigma on him.

Yes, why no Cid and Barret?


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
The news about Rufus has been around for a few months. All I want to know is when I can order him (even with the smirk!).

I'm with you on ordering Rufus, smirk and all! :) I do believe his heads are interchangeable, though, since I saw a photo of a prototype figure with the bandaged ACC look, and the regular Rufus head off to the side. That'll be an interesting accessory, certainly, although I also hope that he also comes with one of his shotguns, or even the black box carrying Jenova's "head." That would seriously be something amazing, right there.

Glad they got Rufus, and the Yuffie and Vincent sculpts look amazing, but did they just troll me again about Cid and Barrett?
The group will NEVER get together! D:

This ^, because even Banpresto understood the importance in having the whole group together. The company made plushies of everyone, including Cid, Barret, and even Cait Sith and his mog. Cid and Barret need more love. Seriously.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Can you take his bandage on and off, or does he come with two heads? He doesn't appear to have any geostigma on him.

If your bathroom is anything like mine just leave him in there for a week or so and voila: geostigma.
I thought it would be fun if he came with a little stick of black makeup, so I can give him geostigma, then cure him, then give it to him again....


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I thought it would be fun if he came with a little stick of black makeup, so I can give him geostigma, then cure him, then give it to him again....

Sure I had a doll once and if you brushed its face with a damp a cloth makeup magically appeared. They should be able to do that.... Or I dunno maybe they had to use toxic chemicals for that...


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Yuffie and Vincent also look amazing. I already have the ACC Yuffie, so I can't help but wonder if this figure will just be a more detailed/articulated version of the original. Vincent is just amazing. I'm seriously thinking about getting him as well now, since I sadly missed out on his FFVII look; the original ACC Vincent doesn't come close to it. :(

And I think I've just found something interesting about these new figures. I just happened to find some more photos over at the Final Fantasy Merchandise forums, and, according to the news over there, it looks like Rufus is going to come with interchangeable heads, a shotgun, and a container for Jenova's remains. (My dreams for this figure have come true!)

Yuffie will have an array of interchangeable hands and her shuriken.

Vincent will also have interchangeable hands, as well as his Cerberus.

There is also news on the Trading Arts Kai Mini line. There will be a figure of Cloud with his basic FFVII look, ACC Tifa with two different ACC-styled body poses, and an ACC/FFVII Yuffie.

I wasn't for sure if I was allowed to post a link to another forum, but the news is on their main site, in the ShinRa Headquarters section, as well as some very detailed figure photos. If I'm allowed, I'll post a link to both lines.

In other news, I think I'm going to hyperventilate now.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It should be fine to do that -- it is news related, and no one has ever been scolded for linking to GameFAQs threads. Go ahead and post the link.


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Fantastic! Thank you so much for letting me know, Hawkeye! :)

Okay, here we go:

There's some very upclose, detailed photos of Yuffie in this thread. If you look to her right, you'll see Rufus' variant ACC bandaged head, as well as the box containing Jenova's remains. On the other side of the box, I'm assuming that's his shotgun from ACC. It also appears that Rufus will come with at least one extra hand. Also, if you follow zelu1984's link below Yuffie in the third post, there are tons of detailed photos of the other figures.

Here's a few photos of the Trading Arts Mini line:

And it also appears that SE's café has chocobo lattés available:


I want a chocobo latte. I do not care how much it costs it just sounds amazing. As long as no chocobos were harmed in the making of this beverage.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
*Gets out sharpie to scrawl sunglasses and goatee*


Offtopic: that is a very accurate femshep. Much better than what we got for manshep.
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