So, SightlessKombat is
a blind fighting game player who I've loosely followed for a bit on Twitter & YouTube. He posted a MK11 video he got from NetherRealm that's more focused on showcasing gameplay with clear audio cues, since that's how he plays the game. We ended up chatting a bit in the comments (here's the video if you wanted to check the comment thread).
Since then, I've chatted with him some more on Twitter about some other things I've found in the game on other videos where it's not clear if there're adequate / any audio cues for some moves or triggers. He ended up asking if I'd be interested in helping him put together a guide of the MK11 audio cues when the Beta / Release happen, and I was super on board for it. We'll work together to figure out of there're audio cues that need improvement (based on how well he can hear them differentiated from other things) or some things that don't exist at all (where I'll see particular interactions and know that they're not conveyed via audio), and make a guide to all of them to help other blind/visually impaired players, and potentially get some improvements where needed.
There's a menu option in MK11 for toggling audio cues for stage-interactable objects, and reading menus. It's likely that some of those would be behind setting flags and we're not sure what all those control yet, or what they might be capable of toggling but it'll be interesting to dive in on it. Either way, it's pretty exciting to have an opportunity for a personal project that's also connected into what I do professionally & in a space that I find really interesting. I've been getting loosely interested in potentially doing a11y consultation in the future, and this might be a good venue for getting a sense of what some of that might be like.
Aside from that, there's a lot of interesting stuff coming around from all the news and I'm stoked for the Kombat Kast on the 30th (likely showcasing Kabal).