Final Fantasy X: Gonna give it to Wakka on this one, but it was very hard to choose. FFX is the best example of the game working around your party. There are certain types of monsters that can only be defeated by one of the members of your party and then there's Kimahri who is a versatile role and can fill in as a double of anybody (I usually take him down Rikku or Lulu's path myself). So when deciding this I had to factor end-game usefulness and Wakka's status specific skills just become less viable options towards the late stages of the game. He gets nerfed worse than any other character... unless of course you've power-leveled him into Auron's stage in which case he quickly becomes a beast.
Ah, but seeing how limit breaks were a factor you took into account in other games (though I recognise it was on a last factor basis), can I just remind you of the absolute deliciousness of unleashing Attack Reels? I think I need to take a hit right now. Where's my FFX??
And story-wise, definitely represents a lot, he does.
But anyway, all FF characters are beautiful in their own way. Let us embrace them all.

Nah, I'm joking, get out of my party old man!!