Mt. Nibel reactor, first year of operation

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Others of you have probably already noticed this, but there's a plaque on the wall above the door in the area of the reactor where you fight Sephiroth in Crisis Core. I was looking at some scans of the CC Ultimania and found a page that shows what the plaque says in clear detail:




It's a plaque commemorating when the reactor first went operational. :monster:

The plaque says:

First Active[μ]―εγλ1968
Weapons Development Company, Shin-Ra Works

So, yeah. Is that cool or what? Or is this old news? I don't remember knowing that the reactor (Shin-Ra's first mako reactor; mentioned in Before Crisis) went into operation in 1968.

For those keeping track, that's nine years after Shin-Ra Works's discovery of mako energy in 1959.
At least this matches up with the passage from S&G's History of Deepground article.

The process of extracting Mako from the Mako mines and turning it into electricity proved costly but highly profitable, and the Company constructed their first cost-effective Mako Reactor in the Nibel Mountains in 1968.

I vaguelly recall I had been struggling with finding that year in modern sources, so it feels good to remember that the plaque is there in Crisis Core. Thanks for posting.


The Pixie King
Kinda weird that it doesn't say Weapons Development Department, Shin-Ra Company

Ive never seen them refer to any part of Shin-Ra as a Works/Factory type thing.

Guess that's what it was called to begin with, before they branched out into Mako energy.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yes, Shin-Ra was originally called "Shin-Ra Works" when it was just a weapons company. After mako energy became their focus, it was renamed "Shin-Ra Electric Power Company," or just "Shin-Ra Company" for simple reference.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
That is very interesting, I had noticed it and wondered what it had said or ment. Thanks alot, I did not know that it was made in learn something new everyday. Thats almost like the sign above jenovas head...I think I had heard it was some type of date for something but cant recall, anyone else know?

Lord Kesharq

Late night user(coffee!)
Lostlord, Lewisito
Ok tomorrow am off to find a copy of CC lol, cos i didnt remember seeing that before. Learn something new everyday ^^

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I'd also like to add that Vincent refers to them as "Shinra Manufacturing."

"I was with...the Shinra Manufacturing Department of Administrative Research, otherwise known as the Turks."

For years I actually misunderstood this to mean [Shinra] [Manufacturing Department] [of Administrative Research] instead of [Shinra Manufacturing] [Department of Administrative Research] and thought he was making some abstract euphemism about them "manufacturing" administrative research. But given that we now know (thanks to BC, I'm assuming) that the Turks are the "Department of Administrative Research," we can assume that "Shinra Manufacturing" was the company they worked for.
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