Ah, the hell with it.
Who knows at this point, man.
Whether we take it as the Wutai War or another war, the dates given to us in the official timelines and other sources don't make sense with the information we've been given about this war regardless of which it is.
Shin-Ra had become an electric company, established its headquarters in the center of Midgar, and turned it into "the Mako City" by 1976 (31 years before FFVII). Given that it was during a postwar period that Shin-Ra is supposed to have firmly come to power, transitioning from Shin-Ra Manufacturing Works to the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company, one would then assume that the war in question had already passed by 1976, right?
But JENOVA was only discovered "approximately 30 years" before FFVII, and Sephiroth obviously wasn't born before that (timelines say "approximately 25-30 years" before FFVII for his birth) -- meaning SOLDIER hadn't come along by 1976.
Seems like you'd then conclude that the Wutai War must be the one in question, right?
However, Case of Shin-Ra tells us that Shin-Ra ruled the world by 1987 (20 years before FFVII, when Rufus was five years old). The 10th AU timeline and the CC Ultimania timeline say that the war with Wutai started 15 years before FFVII, in 1992, and ended just under seven years prior, in February of 0001.
Furthermore, it's been said in more than one place that Zack left Gongaga 10 years prior to the original game (e.g. his 10th AU profile, his parents in the original game, etc.), in the hopes of becoming a SOLDIER -- inspired by Sephiroth's war exploits, just as Cloud was. So Zack left his hometown in 1997, three years before the war ended, hoping to become a SOLDIER.
If SOLDIER is supposed to have been introduced near the end of this mysterious war -- even assuming Zack took off immediately after Sephiroth became a household name -- three years is hardly a rapid close to the matter. Further complicating the dates if the war in question were the Wutai War, Shin-Ra was in control of the world at least 10 years earlier, in 1987, when SOLDIER wouldn't exist until perhaps 1997.
Hell, even if SOLDIER came along as early as when the Wutai War began in 1992, Shin-Ra was controlling the planet five years before that.
Other reasons the dates are stupid:
-Sephiroth's superhuman ability is supposed to have been evident when he was still a small child. Even assuming he was born only 25 years before the original game (1982), would it have taken Shin-Ra 10-15 years to apply JENOVA's cells to some kind of combat purpose (i.e. the development of SOLDIER)? You're a military man, so tell me what you think.
-If SOLDIER were around prior to the start of the Wutai War, should it have really taken eight or nine years to end it?
Shit just don't make sense, no matter how you slice it. I'm going to have to apologize for wasting your time with this whole thing, 'cause it's a futile exercise, and just further demonstrates SE's shoddy planning.