My Crisis Core/Before Crisis AMV

I made this in iMovie:

The song is "Scar That Never Heals" by the fabulous Jeremy Fisher. I've been wanting to make this AMV ever since I first heard the song.

The AMV started life as a promotional video for my fanfic 'Death Is Part of the Process" (which you can read at: )
but it became a labour of of in its own right. I'm posting it in photobucket for the time being to iron out any kinks.

All feedback, especially of the critical kind, much appreciated.

Celes Chere

Omg, AMV love! ♥ I make them myself, and I'm not claiming to be AMAZING for anything, and I don't know how imovie works at all, but I think the image quality should be improved and also fit the screen. :) Photobucket may be why the quality is low, though. This could be me being picky again, but it bothers me when AMVS/GMVS have subtitles in them. I'd suggest using zoom or cropping... or maybe get raw files? XD

It's a good song, I like the "she loves guns" part. It's not terrible at all. :) Do you have a Youtube account? ^^
Thanks for replying, Strawberry! This is the first AMV i have ever made; I had to teach myself everything from scratch.

I have been trying to get the raw videos for CC off Silentweak. I have been able to get the footage for the DMW sections, which is why they are better quality. I haven't been able to download the footage for the rest of CC, and I was too impatient to work out how, so I took it from youtube. I could have downloaded footage that had English subtitles on top, but the Japanese titles were bad enough. I tried to stick with japanese on the grounds that it was less distracting!

Zoom is good idea, although the closer up we get, the more pixillated the image gets. But I'll try it.
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