I did the Hildibrand quests
While enjoyable and ridiculous as usual I think I'd rate the Stormblood quests lower than the previous ones. Needed more Godbert, honestly.
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
Jim turning out to be Greg was kind of spoiled for me in advance but the trial was good fun anyway. "The time has come and so have I!" Gilgamesh knows DMC4 memes confirmed lol
As for the MSQ, the Ascians are back in focus and I love it. Of course they'd essentially be the la-li-lu-le-lo of Garlemald, pulling the strings and shit
And oh, would you look at that. Person I assumed to be Gaius turns out to be Gaius. I still feel his explanation of survival was a bit handwavey, lol.
The place blew the hell up! Like what, did you have an asspull escape tunnel like Rufus Shinra??
![Awesome :awesome: :awesome:](/forums/images/smilies/awesome.gif)
Convenient that the energy barrier didn't actually destroy the airship that delivered Alphinaud. That...would have been embarassing.
All the Scions are falling unconscious with their souls seemingly getting pulled somewhere. I've already been aware that you visit the First in Shadowbringers so it's not exactly a mystery what's happening here, heh.
The scene where they all parlay with Emperor Varis was so tense. It's also a bad look when the bad emperor guy calls you out on your own hypocrisy. Like when Merlwyb was saying something about not attacking other people for their shit or whatever I immediately remembered how she herself admitted being the instigator of the Kobold conflicts back in ARR.
And of course, the emperor shut her down because he knew this too. Whoops!
The Ghimlyt Dark was a cool dungeon to end things on. Well not really a dungeon so much as an actual warzone! There was tons of shit happening in the background and other main characters fighting alongside the player party, pretty dope.
And then also getting a one-on-one duel against "Zenos" afterwards (but not before briefly giving you control of Hien. That seems to be a pattern now and I like it)
The whole thing with the splinter worlds and the warriors of darkness fighting against a deluge of light, the Ascians, all that stuff from the Heavensward patches was actually way more intriguing to me than the main story of HW itself so I'm excited that this is seemingly coming back into full focus now. I've been playing all through the night just wanting to see the story continue here. When I had to queue for the dungeon, normally this is where I would've called it a night because I don't wanna deal with the middle-of-the-night queue times but this time I was like "no, I wanna see where this goes *now*!"
The ending credits displaying character art was a nice touch. Making ending credits look nice is underappreciated tbh
So that's a wrap on Stormblood. And with that, my sprout icon is now officially gone...
It only took nine months for me to not be considered a "new adventurer" anymore
![Wacky :wacky: :wacky:](/forums/images/smilies/wacky.gif)