My remake of Before Crisis


Lv. 1 Adventurer
This is my first post in the forums, so i don't really know if i have permission to do this, but i'd like to share this little project that i've made.

i've remade Before Crisis in Rpgmaker, all chapters, with turn-based battle system and everything. Of course, some adaptations had to be made for it to be more enjoyable in this format.
I'll admit that it is not the perfect remake, but is the best i can do with my free time and abilities.

I'm not sure if i can post links, for being new in the forums, but you can find it if you look for "before crisis remake" on gamejolt.
that is all. Bye.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Can I play it on a Mac?
It is made for Windows only I think, I'm not sure if a Mac has any ability to run Windows programs - looks like you might have tried and failed last year from the comments section on rpgmaker.

It might be possible to set up a windows emulator (e.g. bootcamp for a virtual machine) but I can't test that as I am running Windows.

I read from the comments there that the script is apparently based on Dark Angel's script, however I am quite sure it isn't actually that script. I haven't compared directly, but I recall a lot of errors in the game script that I know aren't in DA's script (which I read subsequently). I didn't mind that much, that this person has put the effort in to get this playable at all and in English is huge. I can view DarkAngel's script on the Turkleader Tumblr site, this was more to get the feel of the game, I'm glad I played it.

The developer has recently added the Tseng and Reno episodes as well! I downloaded and completed it before the Reno episode was added, so I'll have to figure out if there is any way I can get to the Reno episode without starting over.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I can't find DA's script on Turkleader's tumblr. Links are provided, but the websites no longer exist.
In fact, none of the links they provide will activiate if you click on them. The few that go to an external site all give 404 errors.
Do these links work for you? They are working for me

Edit: I messed up see below post.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Argh sorry something went wrong on my above post and I can't see how to edit it. I will repost in a moment.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I can't find DA's script on Turkleader's tumblr. Links are provided, but the websites no longer exist.
In fact, none of the links they provide will activiate if you click on them. The few that go to an external site all give 404 errors.

Ok, my second post links should all work, sorry something went wrong with them in my first reply. I don't seem to have the option to edit or delete my first reply though. Maybe because my account is new, or I might just be missing something glaringly obvious!
Wow that's fantastic. Yes, they work. But I couldn't find them on turkleaser's tumblr, so thank you very much! I am quite the BC nerd. I used to have all these scripts as word documents, but when my laptop crashed a few years ago I lost them. I won't make the same mistake again!

You can't edit if your account is really new. I think you have to make a certain number of posts before you can edit.

OK - I'm trying to copy the text into google docs, but I can't get rid of the black background. Does anyone know how to do that?
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Yes, I think that a lot of turkleader's links are broken, sounds like they want to fix that. I don't know how to
OK - I'm trying to copy the text into google docs, but I can't get rid of the black background. Does anyone know how to do that?

[Ctrl][shift][v] pastes unformatted text.

I've already done the copy and pasting, if you want to save yourself the effort, give me to the end of the day to check I have tidied everything correctly (as I've got work on), I can share my google doc and sheet with you here (as long as that's allowed).


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I really need the edit feature soon :D

I meant to say

Yes, I think that a lot of turkleader's links are broken, sounds like they want to fix that.
I dropped them a message on tumblr (which I have never used, no idea what I am doing over there) so they might weigh in here at some point.

At least their individual pages are still up and working, they are just difficult to navigate to it seems (without my master index above)
I find the dating in these scripts confusing. Is 1/10/0007 the 10th of January or the 1st October? To me it means the latter - day, month, year.

It was kind of you to offer to share, but I wanted to make my own copies and I have done so. It was something I enjoyed doing. I will make sure to never lose them again!


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I find the dating in these scripts confusing. Is 1/10/0007 the 10th of January or the 1st October? To me it means the latter - day, month, year.
It is confusing at first especially as one of the dates is
- presumably DA chose to use M/D/Y format but of course we'd think of that as 30th February, which doesn't exist in our calendar, so theirs is slightly different.

In the videos, you can see the dates are always specified with the era first and then in Y/M/D format, and I'm creating an updated version of the script for my own reading preference, with that date format throughout. So the above date would be:
[ ν ] - εуλ 0001/02/30
Youtube video - set to start 57s in, which should show you the date


Timeline in context of the FFVII compilation: Compilation Timeline (WIP Version).txt

Woo I got edit privileges!
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Can I play it on a Mac?
if you can't play the game on a mac, some of the youtube vids might help with an appreciation of the look/feel of BC

Most of the episodes are available as videos on Grimoire Valentine's channel.

All of Hcloud13's videos seem to have disappeared except this one (Intro, Tseng Special Mission, Epilogues). I think it was an independent translation source (I read that it tended to be more literal, that DA was more idiomatic), so might give a different nuance on the script.

I haven't found a video for the special episode of Reno, so uploaded my gameplay of that chapter to youtube - it's unedited (read: long boring-to-watch battle parts). The script used in the fan made game claims to be DA's but definitely isn't, and it seems to be missing bits (such as Reno's traumatic elevator ride).
DA's script of the same chapter, for comparison
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