I'm so happy because I chose to wake up extra early!
This is too much for me to handle. Which is why I will keep a logical response. I just. Can't. Express myself.
This trailer leaves around 20 minutes of footage we haven't seen, but I certainly hope they've made minor tweaks to the camera angles and environments everywhere so that the movie will constantly feel fresh even for those who've watched the original AC countless times (like me). However the few old scenes we see (party fighting Bahamut) look pretty much the same, so, the changes to this movie may be less than we expect.
It also appears like most additions will be in the later half of the movie, so most of us will spend the first half being bored at the kids and the possibly-remaining exposition time of the intro.
1:25 - Very reminiscent of Crisis Core ending face shot
1:55 - That's more fucking
emotion facial expression than he ever showed in the original!!
2:37 - Just like in the game!
...Awe who am I kidding. I love everything. Every second is my favorite