New Rebirth Trailer


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think the main reason for the assumption of that being the Mythril mines is that the trailer shows off the reveal of Elena (which happens there), but the other things it covers are the Chocobo Ranch area, as well as just BARELY showing the outskirts of Junon are all leading up to the Jenova Birth encounter which take place on the Shinra Boat ride across the ocean. Cosmo Canyon is still a whole CONTINENT away from all of that, the placement of this location in the flow of the trailer matches the Mythril Mines more closely. Especially with Rebirth being a 2 BluRay game, it makes sense to focus these early trailers on building up reveals of segments specific to the starting continental region, especially since Yuffie is the only character who joins you during that first segment, and she's the only one who we've been shown.

While we get teases of Nibelheim, those are all still historical things that we've been catching glimpses of since Remake, and the footage we've seen of that area is all in the Flashback-that-never-happened version of Cloud's memory of being the SOLDIER who showed up with Sephiroth that always gets shown at the very START of things when everyone's together in Kalm. Thematically, everything with Nanaki & the Gi Cave don't even show up until after Dyne's mass shooting at the Gold Saucer and the arrival of Cait Sith, when everyone has a lot more introspective tone of being forced to face the acceptance of loss, especially since that's where AVALANCHE formed and Barret wanted to bring everybody there to the Cosmo Candle.

I'd expect that at some point later this year we'll get something more akin to a "Disc 2" trailer that shows off the designs for Cait Sith, Vincent, & Cid, as well as giving glimpses of things like the Gold Saucer, the follow-up re-encounter with the Turks around the outskirts of Gongaga, Rocket Town & Palmer, and the character-centric moments for everyone. Even while Red XIII tags along with everyone, Nanaki doesn't really choose to continue along with them until that point in the story when the other characters are all joining.

I expect some extra emphasis around Gongaga, as aside from just being Zack's hometown, that run-in with the Turks is also the first part of building upon Scarlet's "special Materia" project with the Huge Materia, which is a core element to how they're integrating Yuffie into the flow of the story before the arrival of the other characters (especially since young Yuffie encountered Zack, it works well to give her something to do that ties everything together) to make her feel more interconnected to the party than the other newcomers.

While it's definitely POSSIBLE that that's the Gi Cave – just thinking through from the point of view of how & when they reveal things, and how they put those things together, it doesn't make any sense for them to be using things from there RATHER than just showing what the actual Mythril Mines look like since that's what people are being lead to expect that they're seeing.

X :neo:

Golden Ear

Pro Adventurer
M. Prod
I get what what you're saying. I don't think there is any kind of hard and fast rule concerning the limitation of showing a shot or section past Jenova Birth even though the majority of the trailer focused prior to that although I see your reasoning.

Also considering the 2019 trailer that revealed Tifa, while the majority of it showed almost nothing past ch.10 of the sewers, it still showed a section of Cloud running through the lobby of the Shinra building which was late into Part 1 so I don't think they are limiting themselves to be entirely consistent in that way. It also skipped over all of the Ch.8 meeting Aerith and Ch.9 of Wallmarket so I don't think the are opposed to skipping ahead with what they show in context of trailer progression throughout marketing.

Also we did get the Bugenhagen CGI scene which of course is Cosmo Canyon and I'm suspecting that Yuffie and Red's team attack sequence is happening on the 2nd continent. I think they are attacking a Nibel Wolf which is usually around the outskirts of Nibelheim as well as Rocket Town and I think that's where those shots could be taking place.

I think the main thing we should focus on is simply what the location looks like (besides enemy variety). To me the stalactites are something unique to the Cave of Gi entrance and I personally think that the general aesthetic lines up more closely with that.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That definitely doesn't look like the Cave of the Gi. The cave in Rebirth's trailer is predominately green with mining equipment, lights, and tunnel support structures that indicate recent human presence. And the Turks wouldn't be there if it were the Cave of the Gii. It's been sealed away and nothing there indicated humans to have been recently there at all.

Even the monster from the trailer itself looks like a stone golem made of mythril. Not sure how you'd get the Cave of the Gii, especially when it has molten floors, giant webbing, spiders and nothing that indicates industrial human mining activity.

Golden Ear

Pro Adventurer
M. Prod
I'm just talking about the scene directly after Bugenhagen, I completely agree that the rock monster that Red and Barret fight and the Turks scenes are absolutely the Mythril Mines.


Old Man in the Room
It's possible, though if I am using Remake's aesthetic as a marker then I have to assume every traversable area will have it's own unique look and feel. That area looks far too similar to the mythril mines from earlier for me to think it is a separate location.
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