Cookie Monster
Yeah, I should probably clarify that I wasn't suggesting his removal from staff. Just that he take some time away from the forum to sort out his health issues.
He does have a thing for dancing dinos.
For me, activity is just as important as having a good head on your shoulders when it comes to modding.
<Fangu> ooooo I just noticed Road said some nice things about meFangu: I know you were mentioned a few times. You actually have the most potential, imho. You haven't even been around a full year yet and you've already accomplished a lot here. Not sure if you've created the necessary connection with the entire community yet. But, you're certainly on your way. Keep on truckin'.
Both. And yes.I think she's declined the suggestion, but I don't recall if that was on forum or through other channels.
Mostly this.Oh also, I'm flattered that anybody would even consider me, but I don't want to be mod. I've modded enough that I've experienced my own drama bombs. I'm just here to waste time with lovely people. But thanks anyway.
But also this.At the moment, Fangu's kind of a tech staffer, working on a redesign / rethinking / restructuring of the front page (because I'm too lazy for that).
I guess I should put it here, to be official: I think I would make a good moderator.
I agree with almost all the nominations here said, but I'd like to add Ghost X to the list, if possible (Flint got to my suggestion of GLD, who was the other, thus not-named, suggestion I was gonna have).
If you feel like you need to promote yourself as a mod you probably shouldn't be a mod.
If you feel like you need to promote yourself as a mod you probably shouldn't be a mod.
Way to be a huge downer Dacon.
oh well at least you're honest about it
Way to be a huge downer Dacon.
oh well at least you're honest about it
Wow. Thanks a lot. Proves this isn't about getting the job done, just about who's popular. Oh well, isn't that always the way.
oh well at least you're honest about it
No. He's a jerk about it. It didn't need to be said.
I'm just saying that, if you're volunteering to be a mod you don't know what you're getting yourself into, it's no picnic. Look at all of the shit the mods on this board go through.