New Usergroup

Cookie Monster

I created a new usergroup for Donators. Anyone who donates to TLS will be placed in this usergroup. Those that donated should now have a gold username and user rank. I only remember Makoeyes, Tet, and CK donating, so if I've missed anyone, let me know and I'll verify with Yop and change your profile, fgj. :monster:

Staff members will only have the gold user rank if they donated, because, well, they're staff members. :monster:


:monster: and gj. Did you give them that usergroup as a primary or secondary usergroup?

Also, we can give them some benefits now. Would you lot (i.e. donators) like to have one or any of the following:

* Star / icon / whatnot in postbit
* Username effect / thingy
* Increased PM space / larger upload allowance / whatnot
* Access to secret spam section (dunno about pr0n, I doubt that would be prudent and the host wouldn't allow it)
* Limited moderation capabilities (full control over own threads, close / move etc at the very least)
* Listing in the 'View Forum Leaders' bit, and I'm sure that a hack is available that would give you your own page (benefactors). Or on the frontpage. But that's up to you if you want to be listed as a benefactor / donator.

* Others, I'm outta ideas right now, :monster:.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I have my own pr0n thank you very much :monster:

But all those perks sound awesome. I'm 100% for this.


:monster: and gj. Did you give them that usergroup as a primary or secondary usergroup?

Also, we can give them some benefits now. Would you lot (i.e. donators) like to have one or any of the following:

* Star / icon / whatnot in postbit
* Username effect / thingy
* Increased PM space / larger upload allowance / whatnot
* Access to secret spam section (dunno about pr0n, I doubt that would be prudent and the host wouldn't allow it)
* Limited moderation capabilities (full control over own threads, close / move etc at the very least)
* Listing in the 'View Forum Leaders' bit, and I'm sure that a hack is available that would give you your own page (benefactors). Or on the frontpage. But that's up to you if you want to be listed as a benefactor / donator.

* Others, I'm outta ideas right now, :monster:.

Good ideas. Limited moderation capabilites for normal users sound like a neat idea.


We'll need someone to goan make an icon, then, :monster:.

Also, I should totally give myself a 'webmistress' usergroup, for great elitism, :monster:.



* Ability to open / close own threads
* Ability to move own threads
* Upped PM space to 5000 messages
* Made visible on View Forum Leaders (although this can be disabled if there's donators not comfortable with it)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Find a host that allows pr0n? :monster:

In all seriousness, this makes sense, well done :monster:

Cookie Monster

:monster: and gj. Did you give them that usergroup as a primary or secondary usergroup?

I based the Donator usergroup off of the "Registered Users" usergroup, so I set it as a primary for all non-staff members. And, it's set as a secondary usergroup for staff members. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Awesome, though it'd be better to have those in between username & user title I think since that's where they are on most other boards. also, I'd put usertitle in bold rather than user rank, but that's just personal taste really, :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
actually now that I think about it, ranks are directly below usertitle on most boards; they're above usertitle on EoFF and FG. Still, gj on restoring the ranks, :monster:.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
My guess is you either had enough poasts to ascend another rank or else a couple of them got switched. There was one pair that was implemented opposite from the way they were suggested, but with that said I think Elite and Epic were the ones that were swapped.

Cookie Monster

This is the list I used:

1-19 - Newbie
20-74 - Junior Member
75-199 - Full Member
200-499 - Senior Member
500-1499 - Epic Member
1500-2999 - Ascended Member
3000-4999 - Elite Member
5000-9'000 - Legendary Member
9001+ - Great Old One


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Elite Member and Epic Member should be switched, i'maho. Actually maybe it should go ascended, then elite, then epic. idk. Epic should be just below legendary though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ehh, the way we post in Chit Chat you'll make that back in a week :monster:


Now I'm all confused, :/.

User title - below username and in bold?
User rank - below avatar?

Or user title below avatar and rank below name?

And user title in bold?
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