New! :)

Ghost X

Welcome aboard. I have nothing of value to add to this conversation beyond said welcoming, except perhaps you should not be scared of us, as you apparently were when you were younger.


We just live at the end of this very long and dark hallway, which has a habit of carrying spooky sounds very well. SpoOoOoOoOoOoky sounds. Okay, I'm creeping myself out now. I should stop :awesome:.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Welcome aboard. I have nothing of value to add to this conversation beyond said welcoming, except perhaps you should not be scared of us, as you apparently were when you were younger.


We just live at the end of this very long and dark hallway, which has a habit of carrying spooky sounds very well. SpoOoOoOoOoOoky sounds. Okay, I'm creeping myself out now. I should stop :awesome:.

xD I wasn't scared when I was a kid, just... a little intimidated! I had just gotten into video games when I found this place, and you were all experts and it was just intimidating.

Welcome! Don't be a stranger on the forums, and join in many of our crazy discussions! :)

I will! :) Thanks!

Hello! ^_^ Thank you~

Alex Strife

Should be around if not in Stouffville if I'm not mistaken :) . Wouldn't know 100% sure though. But I do know their "factory" is located there.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Despite Canada being a rather big country, huh? :)

Well, we all just cram into certain areas. We had to study population density maps last year in school, and we really don't take up that much space!

It's not as crazy as the one time my mum went to Germany, and somebody told her how he had a Canadian cousin. He told her who it was, and it ended up being somebody my mum works with! Out of all the people in Canada! xD

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have an offspring near Toronto. Spent quite a bit of time there myself, actually. The Waterloo-Kitchener and Guelph areas mostly.

Anyway, welcome, Pyrefly. I already like you, and I think you'll fit in very well.

Speaking of the small world stuff, a friend of mine in Canada from elsewhere online has also gone by the username Pyrefly. She lives in Winnipeg, though.

Ghost X

Back in 2005 and 2006-07, when I was in Winnipeg, I stayed with friends at Riverbend and Seven Oaks.

When I was in Toronto I stayed at the Global Village Hostel. A friend lived about half an hours walk north-west of there, a bit past little italy. Forgot the suburb =p.

Would like to visit again, but costs a ton, and I got life I'm trying to live :awesome:.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Welcome to TLS, person younger than me! :reptar: I used to be the youngest a long time ago and they all treated me just fine. In fact, some of them let me stalk them regularly. :wacky:

I shall teach you the ways of stalking people because I am your elder. It's my duty. :monster: But first I must test if you are worthy.

What do you think of Clack? :awesomonster:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I have an offspring near Toronto. Spent quite a bit of time there myself, actually. The Waterloo-Kitchener and Guelph areas mostly.

Anyway, welcome, Pyrefly. I already like you, and I think you'll fit in very well.

Speaking of the small world stuff, a friend of mine in Canada from elsewhere online has also gone by the username Pyrefly. She lives in Winnipeg, though.

Hello! It's nice to meet you. ^_^

I've only ever been to Guelph once or twice, with my choir. Also, wow. That is strange! I guess we Canadians like the name Pyrefly...?

Back in 2005 and 2006-07, when I was in Winnipeg, I stayed with friends at Riverbend and Seven Oaks.

When I was in Toronto I stayed at the Global Village Hostel. A friend lived about half an hours walk north-west of there, a bit past little italy. Forgot the suburb =p.

Would like to visit again, but costs a ton, and I got life I'm trying to live :awesome:.

I've never actually been to Winnipeg. In fact, I've never actually been to Manitoba.

Ah, yes, little Italy. I live near Greektown. It's noisy, especially after soccer games!

Welcome, Pyrefly. It's lovely to have a new member.

Thanks! ^_^ It's nice to be here.

Nice to meet you too! Enjoy your stay, you seem to be doing great already! ^_^

Thanks! :) I'm trying my best. :D

Hey, welcome :)

Thanks! :)

Welcome to TLS, person younger than me! :reptar: I used to be the youngest a long time ago and they all treated me just fine. In fact, some of them let me stalk them regularly. :wacky:

I shall teach you the ways of stalking people because I am your elder. It's my duty. :monster: But first I must test if you are worthy.

What do you think of Clack? :awesomonster:

Clack is not my OTP (Cloti is), but I already know it happens to be yours, and I completely respect that. xD I like them as best friends, but I can see why you would ship them.

I believe that when you were on TFC, you were also the youngest until I came along and snatched that away. I think I was only 14 when I did? :P

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
It's not like you gave us much of a choice D:

Don't be like that, I know you enjoyed it. :wackymonster:

Clack is not my OTP (Cloti is), but I already know it happens to be yours, and I completely respect that. xD I like them as best friends, but I can see why you would ship them.

I believe that when you were on TFC, you were also the youngest until I came along and snatched that away. I think I was only 14 when I did? :P

It will be your OTP one day. Everyone has a Clack inside them waiting to come out. EVERYONE :reptar:

You will see the light one day. :monster:

Yes, I was on TFC. I'm glad you remember me. :awesome: I thought you wouldn't because I didn't stay there long.

I wanna go back to TFC if just to find my beautiful old avatar of Clack being canon. :sadpanda:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If by "enjoyed" you meant "felt incredibly awkward to be hit on by a girl half my age" then yes :wackymonster:
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