Now that E3 is over, what you do hope to see from TGS?

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
I just want public demo. Or at least for people to be able to record the demo they played. I wan't to hear the banter everyone is talking about.

This. Exactly this.

I don’t think we will see anything in September though, but who knows? I’d venture a guess that there will be a huge PlayStation Experience event (or maybe something new) that will showcase the PS5 and give us the rest of what we need to know regarding the remake. I think September is pretty soon to show off more of the game after this blowout, but maybe I’m wrong. However, I’d love a demo for the public.





Save your valediction (she/her)
I honestly don't see where character models or lighting look unfinished? What you see is very likely what you're going to get at this point.

Really? Take a look at the moment Barret picks Marlene up. Maybe on mute? You’re saying it doesn’t look like the opening of The Bouncer?


Pro Adventurer
I thought they just muted Marlene. Her mouth seems to move and I expected her to say ‘daddy!’ but there was nothing. Isn’t that to just stop spoilers though?

Realistically, how much more can they show? If we’re only playing Midgar then there’s only so much else you can show before there’s no point playing the game. I’ve no doubt that there’s going to be side missions (looks like one is taking out a sweeper factory going off the trailer), but if they show RedXIII or the plate being blown up then what really are you left to discover?


Pro Adventurer
With the comparisons between in-game and cutscene models and the PS5 coming sooner than later (or at least by early 2021?, again I have to wonder just how much it'll close the gap between those models and the overall look and feel of the game between playable and strictly watchable.


Alex T
Maybe it sounds silly, but I want to see more Aerith. Haha, I’m a bit jealous that Tifa got the “big reveal”. It seemed like that was all everyone was talking about pre-E3. “Will we see Tifa?” “How will Tifa look?” Has she always been the more popular of the two? We barely have a good screenshot of Aerith’s new design, nor good footage of her gameplay, but Tifa has both in spades.


Alex T
Even a month ago conversation on Aerith’s design and combat was pretty brief. Not nearly as exhaustive as the reactions to Tifa. Just to be clear I like both characters A LOT, just want more Aerith please.


Fire and Blood
Maybe it sounds silly, but I want to see more Aerith. Haha, I’m a bit jealous that Tifa got the “big reveal”. It seemed like that was all everyone was talking about pre-E3. “Will we see Tifa?” “How will Tifa look?” Has she always been the more popular of the two? We barely have a good screenshot of Aerith’s new design, nor good footage of her gameplay, but Tifa has both in spades.

I think this has more to do with the fact that once Aerith was shown, people got anxious for Tifa's model and all had expectations and hopes up. People were expecting her to show up, either in the concert trailer (but we got a date there), either in the E3 trailer. But to me it does look like SE kind of put her there center for E3, yes (and as a big Tifa fan I won't complain), but this might have to do with them wanting a bit of secret around Aerith too!


Old Man in the Room
As one of the people who was harping about how they probably had much more done than anyone was willing to admit, I think they may actually have far less polished than they will let on. There is this one shot in the trailer, where the train is blasting down the tunnel, that looks so empty and bare it's almost embarrassing. I think they saw we were all excited about Tifa and rushed what they had into a "pretty good" state to show her off at E3.

I mean, her combat is easily my favorite part. So I think it's clear that much is done, at least. But yeah, her scenes to not show anywhere near the sheen of Aerith's in the "opening". But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Pro Adventurer
Right, exactly; I'm fairly pleased with what we saw of Tifa but I'm keenly aware that Tifa, Marlene and the Seventh Heaven are unfinished. Tifa and Marlene (and the shot of Aerith casting that spell) are clearly missing some texture and lighting alpha layers. I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that they knowingly showed her prematurely because she was in such high demand. Cloud, Barret and Aerith are much further along in development; what we've seen of Tifa so far looks more like it belongs in that PS3 Demo we saw years ago.
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Double Growth
Yeah that original comparison of Aerith and Tifa isn't fair, as one is absolutely prerendered and the other one isn't. And then, yeah, "development footage," as Kain says. But honestly those are the only two scenes where Tifa looks unfinalized. She looks perfect to me in all the sewer and combat scenes :shrug: And I wouldn't expect their return to 7th Heaven to be prerendered. They use those less and less these days, but it makes sense for the intro cinematic.

Anyway I don't want to see Cloud in the dress or anything before the release. A demonstration of how materia works will be plenty. (I would be okay with seeing some Turks though)
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Alex T
For Devil May Cry 5, I watched everything BUT the final trailer, then went into full media blackout. I am so glad I did that. Fortunately they often state “Final Trailer” in the title, so you can get a bit of a warning. Will do the same with the Remake.


Rookie Adventurer
Really keeping my fingers crossed that something will come out in TGS. I don't know about how the majority of the Japanese audience feel, but I think it would be fair to give the domestic audience an opportunity to get hyped about this in an offline event, rather than just watching streams of events on the other side of the world. (Also I want that for myself since I happen to be here, haha.)

On the top of my wish list for the next trailer:
- Glimpse into a Shinra board meeting
- AVALANCHE meeting at 7th Heaven basement
- Nanaki
- Getting the banter in Japanese too

But yeah, mostly I too want a chance to play it.

By the way, are there people here who are actually coming to TGS? I've never been until now, but planning to go this time.


omg i didn't even notice this thread getting updated.

Wanted to acknowledge that yeh that initial comparison was unfair in retrospect lmao, a better one would've been the 'A FLOWER??' scene between Aerith and Cloud and looking at their models I reckon haha.

Super excited for you Hanna! You gonna be reporting back here? :P

I weirdly wanna see Hojo mostly out of curiosity over how he's gonna look lol. I feel like everyone, even Heidegger, has been given the 'Generic Cuteness' treatment (that is, most everyone looks conventionally attractive lol) and so I wonder if Hojo is also going to look weirdly dashing haha.

Would be awesome to see some Turks in action, too (if it was any one of them I reckon it would be Reno). I hope they give off the cold killer vibes from OG other than the comic relief vibes from AC haha.


Rookie Adventurer
Super excited for you Hanna! You gonna be reporting back here? :P

I sure will! ^^ I'm going to have to learn some more gaming vocabulary before I go so I can get something out of it though, haha.

Also curious about what Hojo will look like, but even more for Scarlet. Ever since the Remake was announced I've kept hoping they'd go through the effort to give her multiple different outfits, including some killer pant suits. Seeing all the amazing corporate outfits Japanese women wear for work makes me want to see her doing the same.

Agreed on Turks.
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