Official Aggregations of Nominations for new Mod


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, you nominated him, anyways, which I must have missed the first time, and my criteria for adding 'self nominated' was that no one other than him backed the move, as opposed to Arianna, who got public backing immediately.

It's all moot anyways, as the threads are going up shortly.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Just to note, Mog was not given a thread because he's currently away and not able to answer questions. If he's able to get on and answer questions, he'll be given one.


Pro Adventurer

Looks like voting will begin in the next few days and questions have slowed down. Thanks for your questions everyone. I hope I gave detailed enough answers for you and that my answers have helped make your final decision. If there's any last minute questions, please don't hesitate to post or PM me. I want everyone to make as informed of a decision as possible. As I said before, I don't want the job unless the majority of the active cuz lol 5000+ membersTLS population feels comfortable and supports that.

Thanks again everyone. :)
As we're getting to the end, it would be fine by me if any nominee wants to answer a question which I've asked of another nominee (except for the ones which would be completely irrelevant to a different person). I think that could just as easily apply to all questions, as well, but it's not really up to me to say so. It would be good to have a few more points of comparison between the candidates, I think. In a presidential debate, you wouldn't ask Obama "how will you reduce the deficit?" and then immediately turn to Romney and say "how do you feel about the war in Afghanistan?" - you'd want to hear both candidates' answers to both questions :) I'm not saying they all have to be answered by everyone. Pick and choose.
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