Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
Every Final Fantasy has token black guys now...?
FYI, Arianna, I wasn't referring to *you* in regards to Amano. It was just a parallel to show that Nomura's style isn't the only one that's recognizable. I was mostly sharing the sentiments of pornography. I could've used Akihiko Yoshida but I find Amano to simply be a better parallel since Amano was the main designer for FF's 1 through 6.
To be honest, Dacon has a point that a character designer should do their best to stay as original as possible. However, art in and of itself is a creative fingerprint. A character designer can't help but constantly reveal their artistic trademark and "tells" that they fall back on in terms of their creative development. And unless the artist takes effort to re-invent themselves every so often, you WILL find similarities with their past work. Especially when you know its theirs.
Because you're fucking *looking* for it. It's that simple. Comparison of previous works is fine, but it gets obnoxious that each and every time some states the obvious that X character looks like Y character when they're from the same artist. I mean, really. Shit like that is not that surprising at all. Sibling artists can even have similar styles. It's just the way art can happen.
FYI, Arianna, I wasn't referring to *you* in regards to Amano. It was just a parallel to show that Nomura's style isn't the only one that's recognizable. I was mostly sharing the sentiments of pornography. I could've used Akihiko Yoshida but I find Amano to simply be a better parallel since Amano was the main designer for FF's 1 through 6.
To be honest, Dacon has a point that a character designer should do their best to stay as original as possible. However, art in and of itself is a creative fingerprint. A character designer can't help but constantly reveal their artistic trademark and "tells" that they fall back on in terms of their creative development. And unless the artist takes effort to re-invent themselves every so often, you WILL find similarities with their past work. Especially when you know its theirs.
Because you're fucking *looking* for it. It's that simple. Comparison of previous works is fine, but it gets obnoxious that each and every time some states the obvious that X character looks like Y character when they're from the same artist. I mean, really. Shit like that is not that surprising at all. Sibling artists can even have similar styles. It's just the way art can happen.