Our Next Community Manager


Hello all,

I wanted to let some time pass from previous events before putting feelers out for another community manager.

If anyone is interested, feel free to post here or PM - nominate those who you think would do a good job or put yourself forward. I should make it clear this won't come to a public vote, we're going to discuss who would be the right fit then have one-on-one conversations to see how anyone nominated or up for the job would like to handle the role.

So having said that, if you're nominating someone or putting yourself forward I'd like to also see ideas and suggestions for what you/ someone in the role would contribute as community manager.

In the past the community manager has basically been responsible for running events on the forum (such as the annual awards and community playthroughs), but you are free to bring anything else you would like to the role.



Joe, Arcana
Flint. He is obviously more than capable of the role and a great face for the community. He's also dedicated as heck so that'd never be an issue.

Flare. She's in touch with all the users here, shows enthusiasm for events when they're running and would do a good job coming up with ideas. She was also JT's own recommendation for the role shortly before his departure.

I've no idea if either of them are willing but those are my top picks.


Pro Adventurer
I agree on both those nominations, though I think Flint already has hands full with managing articles and hosting the podcast. But if he thinks he can do it, he has my vote.

Flare would be great at the job too, and also has my vote. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
I've been Community Manager before (I basically created the position), and while I think it's possibly the most fun and rewarding job on our staff, I'm not going to be putting myself forward for it again. That's partly because I want to see what someone else would bring to the role, and partly because I feel like I've found my niche looking after the front page. Hosting the podcast is just a bonus.

I'm sure I'll be involved in deciding who we appoint but I don't have any nominations myself for the time being. ^_^


3x3 Eyes
Another nomination for Flare. Whenever I check this place out, she is always enthusiastic and gets involved in the community events, and just generally seems like a pleasant person. I think she'd do a great job.


Chloe Frazer
To me the community manager other than hosting events can come up with new events & activities ideas for the member base.

On that note I would like to nominate Kionae. Since she has joined she has been active in the community and events.


Pro Adventurer
On that note I would like to nominate Kionae. Since she has joined she has been active in the community and events.

I appreciate the nomination, but honestly, I can be a bit of a flake when it comes to things like that. I'm great at it until I lose interest, and then I tend to dick around and procrastinate. I'm happy to jump in as an assistant now and then, though. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Felt like I should post and say, I do accept the nominations, as much of a surprise that they are. o.o Whatever the decision, I feel kinda honored to have been nominated. <3 I'd do my best to live up to them and help out on TLS if such a decision is made. ^_^


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Flare for President! :monster:

I also throw my (om)nom(nomnom) at Flare - she's fantastic to everyone on the forum, engages in a lot of the events and is quite creative in that I think she'll have some new ideas to do some new events here and there, aside from the regulars.


Pro Adventurer
While I'd have no problem with Flare being our next Community Manager, I do feel like this process would benefit from a few more candidates. :P So far the only other people nominated have been me and Kionae, and we've both turned it down.

There are quite a few people who have the basic qualifications to do the job, namely: a good rapport with our community, a friendly and polite manner, organisational skills, a willingness to take the initiative, and a little creativity. I'm not sure how many of those people have the time to dedicate to it, but I'll nominate some anyway and let them withdraw if they want to. Don't just withdraw if you think there's someone better suited to the job – let Lex and the other staff members make that decision! :)

  • Alex Strife
  • AvecAloes
  • FancySycamoreTree
  • ForceStealer
  • Joe
  • Mr. Ite
  • RedFFWolf


Joe, Arcana
I'm flaky enough with my current responsibilities, and prone to procrastination. I shall pass on that basis. Many thanks though. :monster:


I'm giving it a bit of time for people to make their nominations and responses before we discuss how to proceed :monster:

Please have a think if there are any candidates you'd like to nominate over the next couple of weeks folks :)



I will admit that I was THIS> <CLOSE to volunteering as tribute at the start as the position really appeals to me, but I was a wincy bit intimidated by the whole idea &#8216;cause I thought, &#8220;Surely, I lack the seniority to be seriously considered as a candidate.&#8221; :P Nah what I&#8217;m sayin??

And the Flare Bear is so awesome! <3 I&#8217;m certainly not on the same level as Xiao Flare-Chan in terms of, hmmm, community intimacy/involvement/familiarity (I guess those are the words???) and, again, I believe she would make for an awesome-sauce new CM (haha, I&#8217;ve told her already that she&#8217;s basically staff in my mind). However, because of Flint&#8217;s line here:

Flint said:
Don't just withdraw if you think there's someone better suited to the job &#8211; let Lex and the other staff members make that decision!

...I will humbly accept the nomination and would love to be considered for the spot. :P What I lack in experience (if you will), I will surely try and make up for in enthusiasm, ha. :megusta:

Also, thanks for the nom, yo, my heart did touched little butterfly jump thingies reading my name! D&#8217;awww, happy feels. :joy:


In case anyone is wondering why I haven't posted much, I'm remaining as impartial as possible while the nominations and discussions take place here. I wouldn't want to affect perceptions or opinions with my suggestions :monster:

Deleted member 546

There was me thinking you'd already decided on the outcome and were making us all jump through the hoops as a formality. Oh wait, this isn't Westminster. :monster:


Pro Adventurer

I will admit that I was THIS> <CLOSE to volunteering as tribute at the start as the position really appeals to me, but I was a wincy bit intimidated by the whole idea &#8216;cause I thought, &#8220;Surely, I lack the seniority to be seriously considered as a candidate.&#8221; :P Nah what I&#8217;m sayin??

And the Flare Bear is so awesome! <3 I&#8217;m certainly not on the same level as Xiao Flare-Chan in terms of, hmmm, community intimacy/involvement/familiarity (I guess those are the words???) and, again, I believe she would make for an awesome-sauce new CM (haha, I&#8217;ve told her already that she&#8217;s basically staff in my mind). However, because of Flint&#8217;s line here:

Flint said:
Don't just withdraw if you think there's someone better suited to the job &#8211; let Lex and the other staff members make that decision!

...I will humbly accept the nomination and would love to be considered for the spot. :P What I lack in experience (if you will), I will surely try and make up for in enthusiasm, ha. :megusta:

Also, thanks for the nom, yo, my heart did touched little butterfly jump thingies reading my name! D&#8217;awww, happy feels. :joy:

Why are you so fucking adorable <3 <3

I'll nominate you too, because I do think you'd be lovely at it if you're willing <3 ^_^ The other two I had in mind was Joe and Alan (RedFFWolf) but I'd asked Joe in private and knew his answer already, and I already know Alan is busy with KupoCon stuff and I'd feel bad about putting more stuff on him. :lol: <3


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I think any of our existing mods would be great for the task, but the question remains: would they want to take up the extra responsibility? We saw Jas take on quite a bit with the events it would seem unfair to load that onto an existing mod.

If any of them DO feel/want the position, they're all fantastic and make worthy candidates. But the forum also needs flare new blood. :monster:


First up, thanks for the nominations. I knew I'd best speak up here at some stage or another, as a few others had brought it up with me elsewhere beyond this thread.

Alas, I've come to the decision it is best to decline - and I really regret doing so. There are only two ways this can go. KupoCon has grown a lot, and I do a lot; there is not a day that goes by without something I'm working on or addressing or responding to etc. [the day I really appreciated this was switching off my internet for one day and the next day having 16 Messenger chats to attend to :lol: even though not all were KC-related] - so, I feel I wouldn't be able to give my all to both online communities.

Or, second way, which would be my only intention had I gone forward, I do give my all here, because I know I can and would have the passion to deliver in new ways. However, that would not just fill up practically every spare second I've got but totally override other things I'm trying to do. There are a set of bags under my eyes that have not faded in some time, and I've had a lot more occasions of being rundown health-wise, this year and last. Not having much time (between work, helping out at home, trying to attempt some solo escape time, writing a book and more stuff [already my music has taken a massive hit for a while now :cry: and the dancing's practically dead :lol:]) is half the reason lately I browse TLS for a few minutes throughout different times of the day but only once or twice a week actually post a few bits - unless it's like a birthday thread or similar to that :)

Once upon a time, I was hoping to give back to TLS in ways
I was nominated for mod position among others but didn't go beyond the nomination 'cause my dad was on the verge of death back then or similar - the next week I decided to not let stuff like that hold me back and dived into KupoCon and felt really bad about not attempting to go further with the mod stuff back then :lol: Dad's still alive and everything, the cheek!).
But what makes me decline here also still serves as giving something in some way to the community, so that alone gives me the strength to decline.

Please know it is an honour to have been mentioned - like, even when people figure it'll be hard for me, I still really appreciate knowing I was on people's minds and that I was mentioned, regardless. Kinda like when your friends still check if you're able to come out with them some night, even though they know you can't - that kind of stuff, like here, actually makes me properly gush :lol: <3

In short, thanks, I have to decline for my own sake, but be sure I'll continue giving in my own way.


Pro Adventurer
I had a feeling you'd say that but I felt you deserved to be nominated (in public) anyway. And we all understand, of course. Just keep doing what you do. :)

Deleted member 546

Pretty sure that I'm not alone in saying I luff Red and that response was beautiful.


I'm closing this thread in a couple of days to start discussing the nominees, if anybody wants to nominate anyone else in the meantime now's your chance :monster:
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