Poor little Remnants...

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Hello ? Am I the only one to have a special fondness for Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo ? There are merely no thread about those lovely silver haired boys.
So, let's talk about them :-) ! First, there's a great debate about their origins. The official version is explained in On the Way to a Smile, Case of the Lifestream, but many poeple prefers the firste fan theory, which makes them Sephiroth clones escaped from an old Shinra facility. I prefer official one, because I found the idea of Sephiroth's madness and multiple personnalities disorder fascinating. And you, what do you think about it ?
Oh, and who is your favourite one ? Personnaly, I cannot choose. Kadaj is the most human one, but also the closest to Sephiroth. Yazoo is, well, beautiful and it is his only purpose. He remindes me more a cat than a human being. An Loz... Awwww ! Cutest chara ever, even if he sometimes looks creepy with Marlene in AAC, and quite mental retarded ( maybe that's why I find him cute ^^ ).
@-}-- ( this is a flower ! )

Ghost X

Yazoo is my favourite. Not sure why. I think I was just always fascinated with the character ever since the first screen shots came out during the film's production. The motorcycle duel I think is the best scene in the film too (though I haven't seen ACC *hides in shame*).

Official origin is better, imo.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Yazoo is my favourite. Not sure why. I think I was just always fascinated with the character ever since the first screen shots came out during the film's production. The motorcycle duel I think is the best scene in the film too (though I haven't seen ACC *hides in shame*

You likes Motos ? You love Yazoo ? If I can give you an advice, watch ACC, you will have a good surprise ;-) ! In fact, that's why I liked the film, it shows the true personnality of the Remnants. And yes, Yazoo is amazing ! So enigmatic and catlike.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hello ? Am I the only one to have a special fondness for Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo ? There are merely no thread about those lovely silver haired boys.
So, let's talk about them :-) ! First, there's a great debate about their origins. The official version is explained in On the Way to a Smile, Case of the Lifestream, but many poeple prefers the firste fan theory, which makes them Sephiroth clones escaped from an old Shinra facility. I prefer official one, because I found the idea of Sephiroth's madness and multiple personnalities disorder fascinating. And you, what do you think about it ?
Oh, and who is your favourite one ? Personnaly, I cannot choose. Kadaj is the most human one, but also the closest to Sephiroth. Yazoo is, well, beautiful and it is his only purpose. He remindes me more a cat than a human being. An Loz... Awwww ! Cutest chara ever, even if he sometimes looks creepy with Marlene in AAC, and quite mental retarded ( maybe that's why I find him cute ^^ ).
@-}-- ( this is a flower ! )

If Sephiroth has developed Dissociative identity disorder also known as multiple personality disorder then he probably had many issues before he became evil?Did he secretly hid he had that disorder and it wasn't shown in the game or did he develop it once he became evil and entered the lifestream?If he did have Dissociative identity disorder then he might have developed it when his friends deserted Shinra.Yeah,maybe Yazoo,Loz,and Kadaji started out as three alternate personalities in his head and he secretly hid them.Or maybe Yazoo,Loz,and Kadaji emerged in childhood mainly because in my headcannon he had a isolated childhood with little to rare interactions with other children.Since he didn't have any friends he started to make imaginary ones out of his own head.Yazoo,Loz,and Kadaji were put aside when he got to be an adult because he didn't need them anymore when had true friends for the first time but when they desert Shinra he brings back Yazoo,Loz,and Kadaji to swell down his growing lonliness.

In some Alternate Universe fanfiction the remnants often are shown as Sephiroth's younger brothers.Which in my opinion is kinda of a cool idea.
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Pro Adventurer
i like Loz. Maybe because I lil bit dislike femminist looked-boy like Yazoo and Kadaj and Cloud. Also, I think Loz is funny. He seems to manly but he's the one who is the most cry baby between the three. And, I like his fighting versus Tifa.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I like Loz too, and for the same reasons. He seems all manly but is really a big crybaby, and I like how he handled the fight with Tifa. He starts by taking a beating from Tifa and letting her think she's won, and then after a phone call, he knocks her out with little to no effort. Makes me think of those bosses where you get them down to low HP and then they turn the tables and defeat you without much effort(for example Beatrix in FFIX or Master Eddy in Mother 3).

I like characters that defy what you'd expect of them. Tifa and Aerith are other good examples of this: Aerith seems like she'd be girly and innocent but she's really rather stubborn and crass, while Tifa seems like she'd be tomboyish and flirtatious but she's really rather wholesome and womanly.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
To answer JazzFlower, I spoke about DID because On the Way to a Smile ewplanations remndes me this trouble. After is death, Seph returns to the planet and his youth's memories fades away. Only hates remains. He doesn't even remember is face and name. He creates Kadaj and the others as images of himself. Dying is a big trauma enough, I think. His mind is too weakened to resist the Lifestream so he have to creates other "himselves" to fight for him in the real world. They are a protection to him.
And I agre with Porki King Minch, Loz isn't what he seems. Beneath is inhuman physical strengh, he is pure hearted as a child. As he says himself, the fight against Tifa is a game for him. The same when he plays with the materia or shoot on Reno making gun sound with his mouth in ACC. That's w I find him so cute.
By the way, on my phone "thanks" button doesn't work so thanks everyone !!!


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
To answer JazzFlower, I spoke about DID because On the Way to a Smile ewplanations remndes me this trouble. After is death, Seph returns to the planet and his youth's memories fades away. Only hates remains. He doesn't even remember is face and name. He creates Kadaj and the others as images of himself. Dying is a big trauma enough, I think. His mind is too weakened to resist the Lifestream so he have to creates other "himselves" to fight for him in the real world. They are a protection to him.
And I agre with Porki King Minch, Loz isn't what he seems. Beneath is inhuman physical strengh, he is pure hearted as a child. As he says himself, the fight against Tifa is a game for him. The same when he plays with the materia or shoot on Reno making gun sound with his mouth in ACC. That's w I find him so cute.
By the way, on my phone "thanks" button doesn't work so thanks everyone !!!

Now that I think about it the Remnants act really childish and often treat things like they are a game.Okay,we don't know much about Sephiroth's childhood but its often implied it was less than ideal and normal.What if the Remnants were part of a yearning for that inner child he wanted to be when he was young?Sephiroth was raised at first to be an artificial ancient so they could find the Promised Land and later when it turned out that Jenova wasn't an ancient he was then trained into being a SOLDIER.Now think about this if you grew up in an emotionally repressed enviorment with everyone forcing you to grow up then you would probably never got the chance to act your real age.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Okay,we don't know much about Sephiroth's childhood but its often implied it was less than ideal and normal.What if the Remnants were part of a yearning for that inner child he wanted to be when he was young?Sephiroth was raised at first to be an artificial ancient so they could find the Promised Land and later when it turned out that Jenova wasn't an ancient he was then trained into being a SOLDIER.

There's no doubt Sephiroth childhood was really sad and lonely. In the Nibelheim flash back, when Cloud asks him about his parents, he tolds him his mother's name but avoid talking about his father. Even with PS1 graphics, we can see how much the subjects makes him suffer. If I remember, in the reactors he makes some allusions about being a "special child". I cannot see him as a true villain because he is too broken inside. I think he was very weak, and that's why Jenova could so easily possess him. His remnants too are sacrified children, that's why Aerith offers them peace.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
There's no doubt Sephiroth childhood was really sad and lonely. In the Nibelheim flash back, when Cloud asks him about his parents, he tolds him his mother's name but avoid talking about his father. Even with PS1 graphics, we can see how much the subjects makes him suffer. If I remember, in the reactors he makes some allusions about being a "special child". I cannot see him as a true villain because he is too broken inside. I think he was very weak, and that's why Jenova could so easily possess him. His remnants too are sacrified children, that's why Aerith offers them peace.

I don't know I still seem him as a villain who has crossed the line too many times to be redeamed however I do see him as a tragic figure who has fallen so deep that the only thing to do is put him down like a mad dog.

If you think about it he was just a tragedy and timebomb waiting to happen.He's defiantly evil but its also to be noted that before the madness that he actually was a nice person under all that cold professionalism.Sephiroth is defiantly a complex character who defiantly needs to have some justified hatred towards but at the same time he is some ways a pitful figure who has become nothing but a monster.

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
I don't know I still seem him as a villain who has crossed the line too many times to be redeamed however I do see him as a tragic figure who has fallen so deep that the only thing to do is put him down like a mad dog.[/QUOTE/]

Sephiroth deserves to die truly for his own sake because he became some kind of monster of pure hatred and suffering. But as Kadaj, a new life opens to him if I can say. It is just a personnal theory but I think the Lifestream memories he used to create the boy could be his own, that could explain the ressemblance. I think Aerith purposely redeem Kadaj. In the Maiden, her mission is to save all the lost souls. It seems obvious she pitied Sephiroth because they had the same life. As she says, he fighted enough and can sleep now. She takes his broken parts to save what can be saved in him. And poeple dare say she' evil because of tha bloody love triangle story !


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I don't know I still seem him as a villain who has crossed the line too many times to be redeamed however I do see him as a tragic figure who has fallen so deep that the only thing to do is put him down like a mad dog.[/QUOTE/]

Sephiroth deserves to die truly for his own sake because he became some kind of monster of pure hatred and suffering. But as Kadaj, a new life opens to him if I can say. It is just a personnal theory but I think the Lifestream memories he used to create the boy could be his own, that could explain the ressemblance. I think Aerith purposely redeem Kadaj. In the Maiden, her mission is to save all the lost souls. It seems obvious she pitied Sephiroth because they had the same life. As she says, he fighted enough and can sleep now. She takes his broken parts to save what can be saved in him. And poeple dare say she' evil because of tha bloody love triangle story !

Its kinda of why I think that Aerith and Sephiroth should have had at least a more personal connection with each other in the game.I know that at one time they were supposed to be former lovers until Zack was made.I often times wonder maybe they could have made it so that Sephiroth met Aerith when she and Zack were dating then grew to have romantic feelings but hid it out of respect for their relationship.

But yeah I see the Remnants as part of the broken pieces of Sephiroth's shattered inner child.I often think of Sephiroth also like Demona from Gargoyles because both are evil and have gone over the line but there is something quite sorrowing about their lives that makes people pity them as well as hate them.I often think of when Sephiroth was Shinra's poster boy I think of the celebrity status he had and probably even with all the good stuff that came with it he still felt empty.His friends helped fill up that emptiness until they deserted Shinra and Angeal died followed by Genesis cruel taunt about his true origins.

I think even with the celebrity status and always being labeled special he never felt full in his life.I think all his life he has lived a shallow existence with no real meaning or goal in life.In fact he was made to be used by Shinra to at first look for the Promised land and then become a SOLDIER.Heck,even though people say that Dr.Hojo was very obsessed with Sephiroth that obsession is actually not a substitute for parental love at all.Dr.Hojo's obession is more along the lines of how he views all experiements that turn out well.In my own headcannon,if Sephiroth didn't meet the standards to be a good and perfect being I believe Dr.Hojo would have gotten rid of his own son and started cloning him to get perfect results.I think that sense of superiority came from being drilled into his head by Dr.Hojo and he has kept it since he has gone mad.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
The fact that Aerith takes pity on one of Sephiroth's remnants makes me sometimes wish that Square made a more personal connection with Sephiroth and Aerith.I know that Sephiroth knew her father but by this time like you said he has fallen so far he doesn't care about anything but his vague goals of destruction.

I still think that maybe Square should have had Sephiroth have known her as Zack's girlfriend and occasionally seen her from time to time.I think he would have come to have hidden feelings for her but kept it out of respect for her relationship with Zack.

At times I feel that Sephiroth is the missing fourth love interest with Aerith.It is supported by the fact that they were thinking of making them former lovers.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Alright, I can't keep silent any longer. I was asked not to spill the beans by hito since he wanted it to be a surprise for when he provided the translation of The Kids Are Alright, but, as it's been more than a year now and the characters are being speculated upon so wildly, I'll reveal this much:

Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz had lives -- and those same names -- before Sephiroth made use of their images and memories as his shinentai. The novel explains who they were when they were alive.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Tres, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY! At how unshocked I am by this revelation.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, I always thought it was clear enough from Case of the Lifestream, but apparently not. The only real "shocking" element is who they were.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^ you mean the guys from the beginners hall?

Flower Maiden

Rookie Adventurer
WhiteViolette (if I create a Deviantart account, one day^^)
Hello there !!! I've been out for a long. Thanks JazzFlower for your posts about Sephiroth. yes, I think Aerith would pity him. They are very close by there stories, even if they don't know each others.
A translation of The Kids are Alright ? Oh my God ! I planned to learn japonese just to read it :p ! I knew about Kadaj's special powers, but pasts lives !!!!! how exciting !!!!
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