Promote up-and-coming bands you don't think other people know about


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So, I say up-and-coming so we don't just post the most obscure shit in our catalogues. They had their chance. Let's share some new, or at least new-ish stuff.

Just share some shit from Bandcamp, or your friend's cousin's garage band or whatever.

I'll start:

I just stumbled across this quite accidentally. It's like... angry post-shoegaze or something. I like it.


Dream State
Not usually my jam, but damn this girl can scream. Catchy.



I have nothing to contribute, but I want to say that I looooove this thread idea. Kudos!


I haven't actually listened to low-fi black metal in forever (or black metal in general for that matter), idk what happened. Spotify, probably, and a lack of recommendations coming from TLS.


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I haven't actually listened to low-fi black metal in forever (or black metal in general for that matter), idk what happened. Spotify, probably, and a lack of recommendations coming from TLS.
I find Spotify is absolutely shit for finding new music, but once you've found some new artists (off your own back), their music is at least available on Spotify.

Well, most of it.

Well, some of it.

I mean there are quite a few things you can't get on Spotify and it's annoying, but for everything else there are thousands of random, horribly designed blogspots, and archived /mu/ sharethreads, etc.


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I am not sure how I'd categorise this shit. It isn't simply black metal, but I feel like their next album, should they make one, could see them graduate to black metal. I hope so, anyway. Right now, it's a curious blend, and while it's a fun listen, I just wish they'd stop pissing about and just destroy my ears already.

Screamy (but good screamy), often fast-tempo, post-metal... and yet, at times, moderately-upset Belgian lounge music.

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