Pronunciation guide


Pro Adventurer
I watched it and I'm delighted to say I only pronounce a couple of them wrongly. :monster: Did anybody else pronounce it 'Loo-cree-shee-ah' until DoC? :P
Yes, to rhyme with "alopecia". I don't think there are any words in the English language that end in "ecia" and are pronounced "ezia". Even in Spanish/Portuguese, it would be "esia".

It's one of a few cases in which I think the official pronunciation is stupid. See also: Tidus, Yuffie, Chocobo, Krile.

I wasn't keen on the male VA though, mostly because he had a definite twang to his accent and IMO it should be fairly neutral.
No such thing as a neutral accent, and you might be surprised to find out who it is. :P

Deleted member 546

I meant like BBC newsreader neutral. :monster:

You can't post a thing like that without saying who it is! Spill the beans!


The Pixie King
Very nice vid, something I'm glad to have on our channel, but:
It started off as a kind of internal thing for staff who are making video and audio content to get pronunciations right, or at least uniform across our content.
You should change the "7" in the title to a "VII" to be uniform across our content, since Square Enix never use "7".

I was trying to see what works better for searches. Its hard to tell. I'll see in a few days once the analytics update.

The accent thing. Im sick of putting on an american accent, but if I pronounced everything with my belfast accent, it would be wrong. I kept it pretty vanilla.


Pro Adventurer
Edit: I want to acknowledge that what I said in this post came across the wrong way, and that was my fault.

So have you uploaded an identical video with VII in the title as a control?

Personally, I think we should stick to the Roman numerals at all times. We have a quality standard to maintain on our Youtube channel, you said it yourself.

Anyway, I can front page your video, but it won't be an in-depth article. Let me know if there's anything you want included.
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Double Growth
As for Cait Sith, I would be more inclined to pronounce it "cat shee" if they had spelled it "Cat Sidhe." That's how it's spelled in Folklore and it looked gaelic enough for me to say it correctly, haha.

E-lay-na is a fairly 'murcan thing I'm sure, I know a shitload of people called Elena and they all pronounce it the way Pixel said (for the record I pronounced it that way too).

I think it might be more hispanic than 'murcan. But I imagine that has a more significant influence on the way we talk than it does on the way you do.

I watched it and I'm delighted to say I only pronounce a couple of them wrongly. :monster: Did anybody else pronounce it 'Loo-cree-shee-ah' until DoC? :P

Even shorter than that, I just said Loo-cree-sha. Similar to Cat Sidhe, if they had spelled it "Lucrezia," that would have looked Italian enough for me to say it the way they were apparently going for.


The Pixie King
So have you uploaded an identical video with VII in the title as a control?

Personally, I think we should stick to the Roman numerals at all times. We have a quality standard to maintain on our Youtube channel, you said it yourself.

Anyway, I can front page your video, but it won't be an in-depth article. Let me know if there's anything you want included.

Its already been change. Cut the passive aggressive petty bullshit out.


Pro Adventurer
It wasn't passive aggressive, geez. Perhaps I care a little too much about this issue than I should, but that's it. And you didn't answer my question about a front page article.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I didn't mind the accent, particularly since as somebody who was born in the North (around thick southy Boston accents) and moved south to Virginia (near the true southern twang) I know that as a people Americans can't say anything right. I thought of myself as having a fairly "neutral" accent until many of our European pals pointed out that, to them, I had a definitely noticeable southern tinge.

Deleted member 546

Pixel said:
The accent thing. Im sick of putting on an american accent, but if I pronounced everything with my belfast accent, it would be wrong. I kept it pretty vanilla.


Now my mind is blown and I need to lie down a bit.


For the record I do think this should be frontpaged. We don't need in-depth but putting the video up with some small commentary on the content and a link to the thread where we debated pronounciations would be swell please, if someone could do that.

I always pronounced Lucrecia Loo-cre-sia, for the record :P. As usual, different to everyone else XD.


The Pixie King
I think any pronunciations we went for, there would be people who say "no, it should be this", especially with Aerith. I think if I had said Aeris, there would be a lot more complaints though. Cait Sith, im still meh about, but there's no way of knowing what the localisation team will go for. Everything else is as its said in american dubs.

I realised after I put it up, I should have included Shin-Ra. I think that's actually said as Sheen-ra in ACC and DoC, but in the original AC, it's Shin-ra.

I'm hoping the video starts appearing on recommendations from videos like this.

If we can start earning some money from adsense it can definitely help with server costs and stuff.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

I lost my shit at that one dude. XD


Pro Adventurer
I liked the video, I think it's nicely done and covers probably most of the names that get pronounced differently by everyone.
Thanks Pixel. :)


^Agreed. A solid video put together well.
And while this might not mean much to some, I'm really glad the 9 playable characters from the OG were covered first (yeah it might have seemed obvious to have put them on first, but the way I've seen other sites/videos/images order characters just saddens me, which I appreciate is sad in itself :P)

(I'm also disappointed to learn some of these pronunciations - for now I feel like an old fart because I know I'm not going to change how I pronounce them :P - but I can try, and then feel even more like an old fart when I give up from the incapability :awesome:)

Deleted member 546

I'd like to see more little gems like this - I haven't yet found the time to read the 'Case of.....' novellas or get into some of the bigger projects but I enjoyed this and the little chit chat here about it, it made me feel a bit more 'in' when I don't have anything to do with site stuff generally.


The Pixie King
My prediction for the remake... Characters will refer to Cait Sith as just Cait, and they'll refer to Red XIII as Red. Or maybe just Yuffie. But once they find out his real name, they'll all change. And Aerith will be the first of the party to call him Nanaki, to show her kindness. :P


My prediction for the remake... Characters will refer to Cait Sith as just Cait, and they'll refer to Red XIII as Red. Or maybe just Yuffie. But once they find out his real name, they'll all change. And Aerith will be the first of the party to call him Nanaki, to show her kindness. :P

You've just reminded me there are nine main characters and there's no way around it. That's the most we've seen in a FF title since VII itself.


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
My prediction for the remake... Characters will refer to Cait Sith as just Cait, and they'll refer to Red XIII as Red. Or maybe just Yuffie. But once they find out his real name, they'll all change. And Aerith will be the first of the party to call him Nanaki, to show her kindness. :P

You've just reminded me there are nine main characters and there's no way around it. That's the most we've seen in a FF title since VII itself.


Because Square wouldn't retcon something beloved by the fans just to make their job easier.


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Was that a retcon though?

From what I gather pretty much the entirety of Crisis Core insofar as the segments with Angeal and Genesis count.

Genesis himself at the end of DoC wasn't just a retcon so much as a "we never finished the story."


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
There's something very unsettling about that picture... In a pedophile baby face sort of way.
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