Queen's Blood Thread


Save your valediction (she/her)
I wiped the floor with everyone in the Grasslands, but the folks in Junon have really stumped me. I’m still in Chapter 4, here’s what I’ve learned just from exploring.

You can get the Choco/Mog card by doing the sidequest for the bartender. This side quest will also raise your affection with Tifa.

Isabella, a woman in Lower Junon, has the Shiva card, and she is TOUGH. This is neat because at this point in the OG is when you acquire the Shiva materia, nice callback.

Wish you could select what song you’d like to play during the matches. I like the pre-game music when you’re choosing which cards to mulligan, would love to play chill matches with that as the BGM.

Edit: Without spoiling anything, once the game prompts you with a point-of-no-return for the first time (it will warn you “you won’t be able to return here for a while”) you are ON RAILS towards the big card tournament of the game. I am woefully underprepared.
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Every time the QB music starts my mind wants to play the Werehog theme from Sonic Unleashed though lol

The Sonic Unleashed opening stage music also played in my head a lot during another segment of the game lol


I wasn't expecting this minigame to be so heckin good. I bet SE is going to release an IRL version. Not gonna lie: I would buy it and show my friends.
I'm early in the game though, and got stuck on the crying guy last night, like all of a sudden he was way harder than all my previous opponents, which I'd found easy. His cards are way better than mine and no matter what I do he always racks up more points. It looks like there are merchants who sell cards, so I may have to check that out. The problem is probably that I'm just a complete moron, nothing new.

I also found a guide on this game.
  • Focus on winning two lanes instead of winning all three. Losing lanes count as “0” at the end of the match. As long as you win two lanes you are almost guaranteed to win the match.
  • Focus on pushing the lanes forward as fast as possible so the opponent to cut off the opponent from advancing.
  • Always push two connected lanes (top + mid or bottom + mid). Never push top + bottom without the middle lane.
  • Focus on board control with Rank 1 cards, these can be played anywhere and are more versatile to cut off the opponent.
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Pro Adventurer
I heard from a dev of the game that they even have a physical version of the game on the office, lol
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I followed the advice above and it did me well, so I was able to breeze through the lost card quest. Still at the end of Chapter 2. Solely pushing two connected lanes makes sense since if you're a little weak in the middle, which you would be, since it takes too much time to push all three, the opponent is gonna bust through and take your pieces.


I thought I saw everything the game has to offer but now there's replacement cards. That really makes for interesting strategies that involve destroying cards and stuff. :O
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There are definitely more interesting strats with destruction/ replacement card mechanics, but you can still win every match just by dominating two lanes. So don't fret too much :monster:
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Save your valediction (she/her)
My strat is generally yeah cut the enemy off in two lanes, then boost my existing cards as much as possible. Mu and Choco/Mog are great for that, as are levrikon and Kalm fang (who have the added bonus of having 2 power).

I haven’t really employed destroy mechanics yet, seems like it would feel great if it worked but I’d rather focus on reliable strategies than wait for the stars to align. The Loveless card is my precious baby, when she pops off it always feels godly.


Save your valediction (she/her)
The one destroy card I have in my deck, which I have been using to great effect, is Grand Horn. This keeps the basic 1 power “spread” cards relevant in my deck because I can just replace them if Grand Horn appears in my hand. It’s also useful if/when the enemy gets their red markers right next to me.

EDIT: This just in, the Queen’s Blood design team 3D Printed themselves a game board!

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Pro Adventurer
I spent way too little time on queens blood (So far). I dominated the tournament on the cruise beating everyone but Chadley by 20-35 to 0 (Chadley actually scored on me)

They need to make a game about queens blood and sell it. Board game and/or video game

Erotic Materia

I was curious how you would do a physical game if the direction of the dots on the card would need to be reversed if you're playing on the opposing side. But, duh. The obvious solution is to just play it from opposite ends, so your opponent's card are upside down from your perspective.

Also this:
Get it before the legal team does :desucait:
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Save your valediction (she/her)
My objection to playing upside down was so handily addressed by that video. Now I really want a physical game board. I would definitely want the monsters and stuff on it, although using the photoshop files as a template you could make all sorts of custom decks that don't skirt copyrighted material.

Even using the card names is pushing it imo, but legally speaking (as as WotC just found out last year) you can't legally copyright game rules, just your explanation of them. So this might be a viable thing.

Erotic Materia

I have no idea if this is gonna go anywhere, but I will certainly be keeping a close eye on it:

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