Pro Adventurer
This poll will be open for two days, and the winner will make it through to the round of 16. The complete final 32 bracket can be found here.
For more information on this event, visit the discussion thread.
I voted for Final Battle because it's more interesting as a piece and as a composition compared to Fight On, which was actually quite boring to listen to afterwards. I understand if some of you think it's dissonant but I still don't understand the idea that it would be atonal (like people said in the minisode). I might be quite strickt with my thinking of what is atonal music and what is not, but I think this piece still very clearly belongs to the world of tonal music. I mean if you are really looking for atonal music you might want to listen to Jason Graves, who happens to be one of my favourite game music composers. Here's something from
This soundtrack is my favourite for studying.
Also something from theThis is a good example, because you can really hear how the song lacks a center, where you would feel comfortable. The music is constantly somewhere outside your comfort zone. This is something that is clearly not the case with Final Battle. Even though it is slightly dissonant it never leaves that comfortable zone of tonality.
I don't mean to change anyone's opinion with all this. I can understand how Fight On! is easier for the ears to listen to, and I'm not saying that anyone who voted for that song is any worse for it. I'm just trying to make people see how music without a melody or a tonal center is also good music.