Recruiting for new mods - Nominations

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Hello TLS <3

We're recruiting 2 new mods to join the team.

The current forum staff are as follows:

- Yop
- X
- Tres
- Myself

- Joe
- Force

The process is as follows:


During nom-noms, people can post here who they wish to nominate (and are free to also state why). People may also nominate by PM'ing me or another admin/ mod of their choice. I will then collate a list of all nominated people.


We've had various voting systems in the past. The favoured (and fairest so far) method is a points based system, where members are required to append something to each of the nominated people including negatives. The points would depend how many nominees there are. So for example a member vote if there are 6 nominees might look something like this:

Person A -3
Person B -1
Person C +2
Person D +5
Person E +8
Person F +5

The scale can be discussed, but using a points based system is the fairest way to assess who the community wants as a mod IMO. The points scale will differ depending on the number of nominees, and the negative points will not go very low compared to the positive points. Also horrible though it may seem, the negative votes are a way for people to express their opinion in a fairly neutral way (and we've used them in the past).

Voting will be anonymous, verified by several staff and the final totals posted publicly (as much or as little of this data can be shown as the community wishes).

That said, nominations are now open and will close one week from now :monster:

EDIT: As per Fangu's excellent suggestion, here are some responsibilities required of a mod (I shouldn't have assumed this was obvious, think I've been on the job too long lol):

- Managing user requests and board requirements re: threads and posts (i.e. renaming, moving stuff, closing stuff)
- Dealing with spambots and the mess they create
- Enforcing our rules, lax though they may be
- Keeping a level head in taxing situations, i.e. someone is Being A Dick
- Being fair and unafraid to take action and get involved in discussions where required
- Be approachable and willing to hear members out in potential disputes
- Above all, respect user privacy

Don't be too worried about the technical side of managing threads and dealing with reports etc., we can show you how. It's a small learning curve <3
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*inhales breath*

:ffuuu: < ROGERRRRRR!!!!

:ffuuu: < CRASHOUCH!!!!

And I nom them both for pretty much the same reasons...

They’re kind, they’re approachable, they’re considerate, they’re fair, they’re active, they’re involved, they’re helpful, they’re creative, they’re problem-solvers, they’re amongst my many someones whom I can rely on and turn to for counsel and they’re well liked and trusted by the community as far as I’ve observed. Doesn’t hurt that they also both have great senses of humour. I’d be well pleased to call either of them my mod and I think they’d be excellent at it.
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Great Old One
Jeebus that list needs some feeeeeemoids! I'd like to see Tenny, Mage or Howl back, if they accept.

Also, @Lex , maybe put in a few words about what the job is about? Because it's easy to assume it's just a Title, but lord have mods had their asses whooped in this place :P

Edit: Also, Crash, definitely. Add her already :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
Jeebus that list needs some feeeeeemoids! I'd like to see Tenny, Mage or Howl back, if they accept.

Also, @Lex , maybe put in a few words about what the job is about? Because it's easy to assume it's just a Title, but lord have mods had their asses whooped in this place :P
I don't begrudge anyone saying no to the job, having gotten a small taste as a subred mod. That's just a tiny slice of the internet. A full forum is likely so much more trouble. So on the flip side I respect anyone that has the guts to do it and do it well.

Not to mention the job is gonna be even harder once FFVII-R goes into marketing phase. I'm not looking forward to how clustery the subred for it is gonna be.


Joe, Arcana
Though they've been mentioned already, my noms are for Roger and Crash. They are both level-headed and trustworthy folks. Also they have a good track record for being active on both forums and Discord, as well as showing a history of being impartial.

Ghost X

Do we still follow a system where troublesome members get x number of warnings and punishments? I'm curious how those nommed would handle the more challenging members :awesome:. Been relatively peaceful for a while, but we have had previous mods quit during past instances of insanity, so be warned :wacky:. My suggestion is to wield the ban hammer more loosely is all :mon:.


@Lex could I bother you for a list of previous mods? I don't want to vote for people that are suitable but not interested.

This is valid but I feel like people who don't want to be nominated will just withdraw. There's nothing wrong with someone who used to be a mod becoming a mod again if they want to - Force for example was a mod, then wasn't, and now is again. And we're all the better for it :)

trash panda

Not interested :monster:

Also also also I want to point out that Fancy does so much for us already and I feel (me personally / not speaking for the masses) like putting her in a position where she has to keep us entertained and under control is maybe possibly taking advantage of too good a thing uknowotimean??? If she's on board with it then, yep, I'll nom Fancy too.

Also seconding Crash.


Not interested :monster:

Also also also I want to point out that Fancy does so much for us already and I feel (me personally / not speaking for the masses) like putting her in a position where she has to keep us entertained and under control is maybe possibly taking advantage of too good a thing uknowotimean??? If she's on board with it then, yep, I'll nom Fancy too.


I will confess, this exact issue has been on my mind LOL and I've wondered if I'd be signing my own death warrant if I were given the job and agreed to take it :wacky:. But, in truth, I believe it has the great potential of being a natural extension of what I already do as Community Mananger. When I was given the role of CM, I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out or what it would look like. My concern back then was as such: "Give folks something to do." but it has since evolved to mean so much more to me. On top of running events, I want to be someone that folks know they can turn to. My primary concern, above all other things, has certainly evolved to be "community cohesion and harmony" and being a confidante for members who might be existing on the fringes. I utilise the events I run as a means to sorta strengthen the bonds that hold us n shit ya know?? ?❤️

I think, because I have this in mind, I'll find myself in an awkward spot where I'll feel as though I need to step up or mediate between members as "community manager" but then I hold back because I'm not sure if I'm overstepping boundaries??? Like CHILL bruh you is just a CM!!! And then tedious shite like renaming is :megusta:.

So, again, I reckon I'd be up for the jerb (if you lot would have me) as I would see it as a natural marriage between the two positions (I guess that's the wording I'm going for, "natural marriage", YIKES LMAO). :mon:

TL;DR: Ain't no thang, fam! (・ω・)/~

Deleted member 546

Thanks for the nomination @Fangu, I don't mind rejoining staff or not but I do need to make a disclosure here: Most folks are probably are aware or at least suspect now but Yop and I are a couple and have been for several years. I've been busy as fuck recently with everything going on at home and getting ready to move but in six weeks or so I'm predicting a lot more free time. :awesome:
To be fair it's probably a moot point because I suspect that Fancy and Crash will be joining staff but ia, we do things democratically and so the vote goes on. @Lex can we clarify if people are permitted to nominate themselves if they want to be considered? There's lots of good folk here but not necessarily ones that immediately spring to mind.


For whatever my two cents are worth, I think it'd be cool if people could nom themselves. Mage is right that like sometimes people don't come to mind right away and if it all comes down to votes anyway, I feel like there's no harm in it, right? Although, granted, I'm not sure I've been around for mod noms before so I don't know how this is gonna go down just yet ahaha.
Also, if people are watching and thinking, like 'I could do that!' then let us know, yeah? Can't consider people if we don't know they're interested, you know, and if you're shy it's all good my PMs here and on discord are always open <3


Just be aware that there's a metric fuckton of conflicts of interest there, :monster:.

Actually I wouldn't mind "stepping down" (proverbially) from being the manager, that is, you guys have been doing a good job at keeping the community afloat and I don't feel like I need to step in and force my Will upon you lot. I'd be more than happy to take a step back and just do the technical / financial side of things.

There'd still be a conflict of interest and shit though, :monster:


Great Old One
Thanks for the nomination @Fangu, I don't mind rejoining staff or not but I do need to make a disclosure here: Most folks are probably are aware or at least suspect now but Yop and I are a couple and have been for several years.
I'm pretty biased here seeing as I work with my boyfriend (which can be difficult but still works out a lot better than people expect) but I don't see that as a problem at all :monster:
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