Reno/Tifa a.k.a. ReTi


astray ay-ay-ay
Twitter is currently going crazy about this ship, which I personally find weird and lacking any basis in the story itself, but apparently it meets someone's kinks or aesthetic ideals. What do you think of this pair? Do you think they belong together? Personally, I could imagine Rude being there (and I'm honestly surprised that RudexTifa club hasn't been created yet) but Reno...

Some of the most recent fanart:



Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I'm personally not going to go into a fight over any fictional pairing, tbh, so that's why I keep to myself in regards of that.

But for the sake of the discussion, in terms of personality, it might work: She's sweet, patient and caring; he's a firecracker but also quite loyal to those he cares about. Had the story been different, and Reno had shown any interest in Tifa, and Cloud wasn't there... maaaaybeeeee?????
You would have to get rid of Rude, story-wise, because I can't see Reno stealing a girl from his friend, no matter what.

RudexTifa hasn't been created because the fandom goes directly for the yaoi, and so any het pairing (fan or canon) gets entirely forgotten. It has happened ever since I joined the interwebs, some ten years ago, lol.
I have enjoyed some Reno/Tifa fics, but I don't really see it.
TBH Tifa belongs with Cloud, but if she isn't going to be with Cloud, she should be with Rude.
Unless she's gay or bi, in which case, Aerith. Or Elena.
I like Tifa/Rufus.
I once wrote a Tifa/Tseng fic that turned out better than I expected for such an improbable pairing.
Ship and let ship, I say.

I don't ship Rude/Reno, tho. I like them as strictly bros.


I think Reno could help bring out Tifa’s flirtatious side, while not having a personality so very extraverted as to overpower hers. I haven’t read any fics, but it sounds like fun.

I prefer Rude/Tifa, though. They have a lot in common.


Ninja Potato
Yeah I dunno. I know shipping rarely takes canon into account, but shipping her with the fuse who destroyed her home and killed a bunch of her friends seems kinda fucked up. Then again, she did seem weirdly happy to get a call from him in AC...
and it was rude who dropped the plate in the remake...
Still, I don't like it.


Pro Adventurer
I don't ship Rude/Reno, tho. I like them as strictly bros.

Wow, glad I'm not the only one. There's more Rude/Reno in the fandom than I like, but I can't control people's tastes, so whatever.

As for Reno/Tifa... Er... Nice colors I guess? I don't see it either. I have trouble seeing Tifa with anyone but Cloud, even though I always say that she deserves better. Also, I think Tifa's the sort who would appreciate some romance and sentimentality, like that whole promise thing with Cloud in Nibelheim. Reno doesn't seem like the sort to give that. Rude might, but either way, the situation would have to change like hell for it to work out.

I suppose fans just like shipping any two sexy enough characters for fun. Color matching wise, I think I prefer Rufus/Tifa to Reno/Tifa. Reno might work better with Aerith. There's too many possible ships in this title :P


Rude/Tifa is hotter imo, but I find Vin Diesel types really attractive so that's just me. A part of me kinda wish Tifa had some tattoos to look more like a bar owner, cuz that would be good aesthetic all around. I guess that wouldn't be super on-brand for S-E.


Ninja Potato
Tifa and Cloud are both the fandom bike (a tandem bike?). Downsides of being the most popular characters, people will try to ship them with anything.
But that happens more with Tifa, yes...
Never heard the term "bike" before, and yet I know exactly what it means.


Pro Adventurer
Okay, sorry for being shallow. I swear though, with that design, it's hard not to sometimes. Same applies to Reno and Rude though to a lesser extent.

Is it my memory failing me, or were the Tifa ships less crazy during the AC era?

Cat on Mars

Actually not a cat
Is it my memory failing me, or were the Tifa ships less crazy during the AC era?
No, people already shipped her with anyone (probably) with a pulse. People shipped her with any Turk, Tseng being the less common, any of Sephiroth's remnants or even Sephiroth.
And the usual suspects like Vincent, Rufus and someone called Cloud.

So I guess shipping has always been like this.
Tifa has that effect on people. :monsterstoned:
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