*rides in on anchor*

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
So two months ago, I took a plane to Chicago for Navy boot camp, rocked that bitch, graduated recently (today is the first day I've been able to hop on the net since before I left), and now I'm a full fledged member of the US Navy.

Shit's tight.

So what's up? What's new? How ya'll doin'? Got any questions for me. Good to be back.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Joe, Arcana
Welcome back man, you've been missed. :monster:

So how was it, enjoy yourself?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
So how was it, enjoy yourself?

Fuck naw man, bootcamp sucked. Actually there were a few great moments, especially because I had a few funny/awesome/badass instructors. I remember one time one of my instructors caught like, 6 people in the barracks bathroom (people would hide out in there to get away from the shit that the division had to do) and he was all like,

"Why are all of you in there, whaddya doin', having an orgy? Suckin' cock? As a matter of fact, you know what, all 7 of you line up nose to the wall and yell "I'm a cocksucker" over and over again. What are you looking at me like that for, bitch, you think I'm joking?! Do it motherfuckers!"

Let me tell you, seeing 7 grown ass men facing the wall yelling "I'M A COCKSUCKER" over and over and over again was literally the funniest thing I've seen in months. Me and the other 70 or so people in the division were literally crying laughing.


Joe, Arcana
Fuck man, that sounds hilarious. XD

Yeah not surprised it sucked a bit, from what I can gather Boot Camp is hard as hell work. Though it's great that you got some great times out of it.

What does the future hold for you then?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Congratulations!!! :D I'm glad you succeeded and are back safe! :joy:

Ugh... Ehhhh... I am one who finds such actions (like Mog's bathroom story) beyond necessary or acceptable.

... I guess I'd never make it in the military. -_-
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We have come to terms
You know, the thread title makes me think of Ward from FFVIII (specifically his Limit Break)...except with, y'know, Mog.

Fucking awesome.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Ugh... Ehhhh... I am one who finds such actions (like Mog's bathroom story) beyond necessary or acceptable.

That's only the tip of the iceberg. They can't punch you in the face anymore, but hey, it's boot camp. Shit ain't supposed to be pretty. When you have a division with 80ish grown men from all over the country, and some of them think they're badasses or hardcore who think they can beat the system or dick their superiors, yeah, boot camp serves as the hammer for people like that before they think they deserve the honor of the uniform. Instructors need to be tough, for good reason.

Besides, shit was funny. We joked about that for weeks.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Shit ain't supposed to be pretty. When you have a division with 80ish grown men from all over the country, and some of them think they're badasses or hardcore who think they can beat the system or dick their superiors, yeah, boot camp serves as the hammer for people like that before they think they deserve the honor of the uniform. Instructors need to be tough, for good reason.

Actually, I do understand, even if it's only a little bit.

Yeah, I understand some people need a good kick in the crotch to get a point.

Plus war is not pretty. One's gotta be tough for that.

I just wish such things didn't (have to?) happen...


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
holy fucking shit I totally missed this

Well now that you've passed boot camp, how's your routine like? :monster:

Celes Chere

Let me tell you, seeing 7 grown ass men facing the wall yelling "I'M A COCKSUCKER" over and over and over again was literally the funniest thing I've seen in months. Me and the other 70 or so people in the division were literally crying laughing.

Lmfao, that. Is. AWESOME. That instructor is also awesome. xD Anyhow, welcome back you were definitely missed! It's great to hear about your accomplishments, it literally makes me smile. You're off doing a good thing for yourself - that's great! :)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Hello! Congrats & Welcome Back!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Fuck naw man, bootcamp sucked. Actually there were a few great moments, especially because I had a few funny/awesome/badass instructors. I remember one time one of my instructors caught like, 6 people in the barracks bathroom (people would hide out in there to get away from the shit that the division had to do) and he was all like,

"Why are all of you in there, whaddya doin', having an orgy? Suckin' cock? As a matter of fact, you know what, all 7 of you line up nose to the wall and yell "I'm a cocksucker" over and over again. What are you looking at me like that for, bitch, you think I'm joking?! Do it motherfuckers!"

Let me tell you, seeing 7 grown ass men facing the wall yelling "I'M A COCKSUCKER" over and over and over again was literally the funniest thing I've seen in months. Me and the other 70 or so people in the division were literally crying laughing.

This story makes your return all the better.
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