Sakaguchi's involvment with FFVII


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Are you trolling? The obvious corollary to be drawn from the fact that there were originally going to be three characters is that any character that was not one of these three characters was brought in later in development. The fact that there were originally going to be three characters clearly does not mean "jack shit." It is central to the argument at hand.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm sorry Aaron if this shocks you but I have to agree with Vendel on this. Is there something that says how long Barret, Aerith and Cloud were the only characters? I mean I've seen some prototypes of Sonic 2 in development and in one of the earliest prototypes, the background in a zone called Chemical Plant Zone has purple buildings. In the very next prototype which isn't much farther along, there are no purple buildings.

So if I said "Chemical Plant originally had purple buildings" does that mean the purple buildings were removed late in development? See my point? :monster:

We need something that says WHEN Tifa came into the play, not just "She did at some point" :P

The obvious corollary to be drawn from the fact that there were originally going to be three characters is that any character that was not one of these three characters was brought in later in development.
Later in development? yes. But that doesn't mean the same thing as "late in development." "late" as in "she was a last minute addition" which is what some people are trying to argue.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Um. No one said "she was a last minute addition." "Late in development" means "after the story was plotted out" from where I'm sitting.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Нестор Махно;303049 said:
Um, Vendel's the only one who ever said "late in development." Mr_ite's claim was that Nomura approached Sakaguchi after the article started with the idea of killing off Aerith and bringing in Tifa. He didn't say anything about this being "late in development," just that it was "after Sakaguchi's mother died."

mr_ite said:
Kitase and Nojima wrote the script based on the story by Sakaguchi and Nomura (proof: the damn FFVII credits) and Kitase and Nomura brought in Tifa late in development.

So no, Vendel isn't the only one saying that. AFTER this he then said "Show me where she came late in development." and that article was quoted which does not say "late in development" like he asked for.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yes, I realised that after I initially posted. See my edit.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"Late in development" means "after the story was plotted out" from where I'm sitting.
I guess for me "late in development" means more like it's a last minute thing. I'm thinking of game development, not just story development. Or at least much later along and there really isn't any proof of when Tifa came into play. That's basically what my point was anyway :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I guess for me "late in development" means more like it's a last minute thing. I'm thinking of game development, not just story development. Or at least much later along and there really isn't any proof of when Tifa came into play. That's basically what my point was anyway :monster:

That's your problem then; it's pretty obvious to me mr_ite was referring to the development of the game's plot. Since his posts were all talking about the development of the game's plot and all.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Not sure why you seem to be upset here, I thought it was just a misunderstanding :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm... not upset? I'm just blunt. I'm too tired from work to bother expressing myself diplomatically these days.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well now that that's taken care of...

Well, Nomura and Sakaguchi are credited for the story right in the beginning of the game, after all.
Never would have thought to look there. Is Nojima also credited or just those two?


You mean that screen that comes up if you don't push anything? Why would I have ever looked at that? :wacky:

...these people spent countless hours in their tiny offices working tirelessly, probably sacrificing sleep and social lives just to bring you this game.

You will pay your respects and read every single damn name that comes up on that screen and you will MEMORISE THEM ALL!!! :wacky:

Herpderp said:
Never would have thought to look there. Is Nojima also credited or just those two?

It says:

Story by

Kazushige Nojima
Yoshinori Kitase

Based on the story by

Hironobu Sakaguchi
Tetsuya Nomura

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Double Growth
I watch the credits when I beat the game. But I'm mashing circle like its going out of style when booting up the game :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well now that that's taken care of...

Never would have thought to look there. Is Nojima also credited or just those two?

Story By

Kazushige Nojima
Yoshinori Kitase

Based on the Story By

Hironobu Sakaguchi
Tetsuya Nomura

I think the first part is supposed to mean the script, while the second is supposed to mean the people that came up with the plot, but who knows. The translators really did a horrible job.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The interviews I've read seem to suggest that Nomura and Sakaguchi came up with most of the basic plot and it was fleshed out by Kitase and Nojima into a script. But who knows really. Especially since there are so many contradictory accounts.
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Nojima is usually the dude who writes the script.

I'm thinking it's kinda like Kingdom Hearts, where Nomura wrote the story and Nojima wrote the script based on it.

But who knows.
Can't exactly ask those guys. Even though that'd be awesome to have exclusive interviews on this site. :awesome:


BTW, how did this turn into a "When did Tifa enter the picture"? :huh:

A claim was made. "Tifa was brought in late in development". The evidence given (one of a billion) didn't back up that assertion. Even after I pointed this out two more people used the same exact evidence.

Then it just got silly.

Let me just say for the record. I don't care when Tifa was brought in. But I have yet to see anything official which suggest it was late in development. The early material files on this very site seem to suggest she was a fleshed out NPC (scar from Cloud on her back FTW) before they decided to kill Aerith and make Tifa playable. Which would make her the 4th playable character.

Lord only knows when they brought Cid in.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Again, if you don't consider introducing a character after the scenario has been created to be "late in development" then it's obvious you have a different definition of the term than some of the rest of us do. Additionally the same link implies that Tifa was not brought into the game at all until the same phone call that introduced Aerith's death (Nomura does not give any indication that she was in the game before that phone call when the interviewer, citing a previous interview, states they were conceived at the same time), which would indicate that at best there are contradictory accounts as to whether she was an NPC before that phone call. Considering how many other contradictory accounts there are about the production of this game, that isn't surprising.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Inference is a magical ability.


AI Researcher
Red XIII's model appears in the early footage from the game, so he was probably there early on as well.

Nojima is usually the dude who writes the script.

I'm thinking it's kinda like Kingdom Hearts, where Nomura wrote the story and Nojima wrote the script based on it.
This, I think. Nomura and Sakaguchi came up with the concepts of the story and the basic outline (like the 'Lifestream' stuff from Sakaguchi, or having a villain the hero knows and pursues through the whole story from Nomura IIRC), but the writing you see in the final game is by Kitase and Nojima (and various other uncredited people).


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Нестор Махно;303193 said:
Again, if you don't consider introducing a character after the scenario has been created to be "late in development" then it's obvious you have a different definition of the term than some of the rest of us do. Additionally the same link implies that Tifa was not brought into the game at all until the same phone call that introduced Aerith's death (Nomura does not give any indication that she was in the game before that phone call when the interviewer, citing a previous interview, states they were conceived at the same time), which would indicate that at best there are contradictory accounts as to whether she was an NPC before that phone call. Considering how many other contradictory accounts there are about the production of this game, that isn't surprising.

I don't really want to sit here and argue with you over what the definition of is is. That was not the discussion at hand.

But so far you have said "this is what ite meant" in the original post, followed by "this is what the creators meant" to justify that link not saying what you are pretending it does.

I mean how silly of me not to realize that it does indeed say Tifa was brought in late in development. If we just pretend both ite and the creators said something other than what they actually said. Makes perfect sense.
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