School & things.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Hey all,

I just wanted to make a little thread stating that my life, and especially my schedule are undergoing some SIGNIFICANT changes that have started this week with the advent of me (finally) attending college.

A little more specific information is that I'm still working on finishing up my loan that I'm gonna live off of, since I've had to drop to part-time in order to be in school (terrifying). I dropped from my 9-5 higher position at my job, down to a phone-taking agent working at nights, three days a week. As far as school, I'm taking 14 credit hours, and I can only assume that means that the ~28-42 hours of homework will start to rule my entire life soon, making my activity 'round here.... unpredictible for a bit.

I'll still be dropping in to check on threads and such from time to time, but I'm not sure how OFTEN I'll be doing that, so apologies to any projects and such going on - I trust that you guys'll do the right thing. Hopefully things smooth out soon, but it's a lot on my plate right now, and figured that I should give a more official heads up of sorts, since it's going to be more noticeable than I'd been expecting previously, at least until I get the hang of things. If any of you want/need to get a hold of me, I check my gmail/gtalk regularly (If you don't have that, you can always PM me for it). ^_^

X :neo:


Good luck, X! I'm sure things will fall into place over the next few weeks, and you'll find yourself in a nice routine :)


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
Good luck with everything! I hope it all works out for you!

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Get the hang of it soon as you can dude, so you got some time for fun every now and again :monster:

Ghost X

I don't know how people can work and study at the same time, I'd honestly go postal if I were to do it, I reckon. I need my relaxation time, and a lot of it. So yeah, most people are apparently a better person than I (lol), including yourself. Good luck.


Great Old One
OMG you're doing what I'm doing - I approve :D I don't work as much as you though, more like a little less than 2 days a week. The best of luck with everything! :D

@Ghost X, school + work feels like two different things to me, I forget the one when I focus on the other. Also, school work often comes in clusters to me (if that makes sense) so there are time for breathers in between. To me it has been less exhausting than I expected, just -- different.

Ghost X

@Fangu: What you study? Nothing I have studied I have enjoyed (except perhaps a brief module on law), so it is pretty much an extension of work for me. If I was studying something I enjoyed, then I might be able to do the work + study thing.


Great Old One
@Fangu: What you study? Nothing I have studied I have enjoyed (except perhaps a brief module on law), so it is pretty much an extension of work for me. If I was studying something I enjoyed, then I might be able to do the work + study thing.
Well that's the thing -- this is sort of my second education (but a lot of classes from the previous one can be included in this one + I took some Internet classes while I was working full time (Programming classes) so my second education will take about 1,5 years instead of 3). I'm studying Computer Engineering. My first education I took because I wanted an Engineering title and job. I got the job, worked my ass off, then lost it (financial blabla, my dpt was shut down), and finding a new job in that field was a bit tricky at the time, because I wanted to keep the data analysis aspect of it, and most jobs in that field isn't that data/ computer oriented. So I took a job closer related to computers, but the workload was ridiculous and my boss was terrible, so after a year I decided to take a wild chance and get back to school. I have never regretting it, and now studying is so much easier because I'm learning stuff I actually think is quite fun. Right now I'm doing exercises (and fucking around) with UNIX commands, and it's so much fun :D I truly feel privileged I have the resources to be able to do this (Norway being kinda socialist helps, but I also saved a lot of money from my first job). I could been earning shitloads now if I wanted to work in my 'old' field, and sometimes I think about it and wonder what my life would be like if I did, but 98% of the time I have no regrets. This is what I want to do.

There is more rant on this in my intro thread :P
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