SE: All our games will go online


Harbinger O Great Justice
But is it so wrong to just want a Final Fantasy game? I feel like there hasn't been one for almost a decade. I just want a long, easy game-novel thing that tells a great story and looks real pretty. A game where I don't have to worry about hand-eye coordination, I just need some rudimentary strategic skills and a high tolerance for busy work. That's fine, I can deal with that. I just want a game that doesn't have shoddy, distracting voice acting, doesn't insult my intelligence, isn't an otaku-explosion and doesn't have a calamitous cast of whiny, hyper, shitty characters.

There is still a market for this kind of game. Why do video game companies think that there magically isn't anymore? That people can't read and/or need subtitles in the same language as the voice-overs? That high-octane means fast button-mashing? I don't need that. I just want a Final Fantasy game.

Can you imagine when in a few years from now, on the Next Gen, or even after someone comes along and creates a good, story-packed, old fashioned RPG, and it shows them that the genre isn't dead like they thought it was, everyone was just way too immersed in it for so long, they forgot what it was about, like Platforming Games & 2D games?

Seriously - when 3D came out, what person IN THE GAME INDUSTRY, thought that after so many years, Mortal Kombat & Sonic would be suffessful by going BACKWARDS to the original? Who would have guessed after Super Mario 64 that a platforming multiplayer Mario would still be really well received? Who would have guessed that Braid - a 2D platformer from an independant game developer with a fun mechanic would be a smash hit in a day when fully immersive 3D environments are capable? Pretty much no one.

I partially have to thank Nintendo by mixing up the model so much with motion control, and proving that old style games during the big technology push, to show that that stuff still had a place and a large audience. While people blame them for the motion control craze, I have no doubt it'll continue to evolve into amazing technology. I'm just glad that someone else noticed that it wasn't JUST the casual gamers that found something they loved aside from nostalgia in the older game mechanics.

It's because when you spend too much time trying to adapt, and make the next, best, most cutting-edge, amazing, fuck-awesome thing, you forget everything that made your games awesome in the first place.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
S-E needs to focus on what they did do well in terms of making an ACTUAL ROLE PLAYING GAME...

And adapt that shit for the next generation. Not piss around and whine about how towns, NPCs, and side quests are too fucking hard to develop. Not just focus on novelty graphics and story, but the actual gameplay itself. Get the gameplay straight, and everything else will fall into place.

Because as much as a story is important, the game needs to play like a game and not just a visual Blu Ray movie. The gameplay needs to act as the gateway for the player to be apart of the universe and feel influential in the progression of the plot. The magic that made the FF series one of the best RPGs of its generation weren't the fucking graphics. It was the immersive story, and immersive RPG gameplay. People don't remember the opera scene of FFVI because of how gorgeous or sexy Celes looked in her dress, or how detailed everything was on stage. It was the actual innovative gameplay and storyline proper that allowed you to actually BE in the story. Same goes for all the other games.

But S-E is too thick as fuck to realize this.

If S-E took a note from Bethseda games and Fallout 3, they'd do themselves a major favor.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Bethesda games aren't perfect (Fallout Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel come to mind), but holy shit, did they get the RPG genre right with Fallout 3. They just did it. It blows the S-E weaksauce out the water.

But yeah, Bioware would also be a good teacher for S-E as well. I won't lie.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Fallout 3 is a completely different kind of RPG, and I don't really want it getting popular.

I prefer more intimate character driven stories like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fallout 3 is a completely different kind of RPG, and I don't really want it getting popular.

I prefer more intimate character driven stories like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

Eh, to each their own then. But Fallout 3's unique take on RPGs and immersive gameplay is something that S-E would do well to take note from. At least, gameplay wise.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Eh, to each their own then. But Fallout 3's unique take on RPGs and immersive gameplay is something that S-E would do well to take note from. At least, gameplay wise.

Fallout 3 isn't unique, wtf. Fallout 3 is just like Oblivion and Morrowind before it. It's a typical W-RPG, except with guns instead of swords.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fallout 3 isn't unique, wtf. Fallout 3 is just like Oblivion and Morrowind before it. It's a typical W-RPG, except with guns instead of swords.

I should've included Oblivion then. :monster: What I say still applies then. Since Bethseda developed Oblivion it shouldn't be too surprising.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I should've included Oblivion then. :monster: What I say still applies then. Since Bethseda developed Oblivion it shouldn't be too surprising.

Open world W-RPGs aren't anything unique though.

Hell you could call GTA an open world role playing game.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You just like arguing with me, don't you? :monster:

My main point, was S-E would be wise to take a note from those gameplay elements, and implement some evolved gameplay for this generation utilizing the hardware they have available to them, rather than just spooge their derivative shit that only has graphics going for it.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My main point, was S-E would be wise to take a note from those gameplay elements, and implement some evolved gameplay for this generation utilizing the hardware they have available to them, rather than just spooge their derivative shit that only has graphics going for it.
SE would be wise to just listen to fan response like Bioware does.

Don't ignore complaints, learn from them.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
stfu mako, obv their games are not made for us

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
People don't remember the opera scene of FFVI because of how gorgeous or sexy Celes looked in her dress, or how detailed everything was on stage.

Wait, I'm confused or perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but the opera scene of FFVI is one of the, if not the most, memorable aspect of the game, if not the whole series, if not video games in general.

But is it so wrong to just want a Final Fantasy game? I feel like there hasn't been one for almost a decade. I just want a long, easy game-novel thing that tells a great story and looks real pretty. A game where I don't have to worry about hand-eye coordination, I just need some rudimentary strategic skills and a high tolerance for busy work. That's fine, I can deal with that. I just want a game that doesn't have shoddy, distracting voice acting, doesn't insult my intelligence, isn't an otaku-explosion and doesn't have a calamitous cast of whiny, hyper, shitty characters.

There is still a market for this kind of game. Why do video game companies think that there magically isn't anymore? That people can't read and/or need subtitles in the same language as the voice-overs? That high-octane means fast button-mashing? I don't need that. I just want a Final Fantasy game.

Yeah at this point this would satisfy me fine. It's been so long going without the fundamental things that I've enjoyed about RPGs (from S-E) I'd be absolutely fine if they made a SNES-PS1 era/quality RPG with no next gen bells and whistles whatsoever.

In fact, I'm sure there's a huge market for games like that on the PSN and 360 Arcade Marketplace. Why not make a little market out of developing old school, high quality RPGs and selling them for lower prices on that?

Ghost X

As far as producers reverting back to old recipes that worked, so to speak, it took them about 15-20 years to realise this. Hopefully the same can be said for SE. Unfortunately that's what, another 5-10 years (though I was happy with FFXII).


Eh, to each their own then. But Fallout 3's unique take on RPGs and immersive gameplay is something that S-E would do well to take note from. At least, gameplay wise.

Oh stfu, Fallout 3's just The Elder Scrolls... ON POSTAPOCALYPTIC EARTH! With some shooter elements. So pl0x rewrite that to TES 3 or 4, or 1 / 2 if you have to, kthxbai. 'Course, overall Fallout 3 seemed a lot more polished and higher in quality story / quest-wise than Oblivion (also because there's less content in it)

Note to self: Read next post before quoting / replying.

People don't remember the opera scene of FFVI because of how gorgeous or sexy Celes looked in her dress, or how detailed everything was on stage.

derp. I disagree.


Fucking hot. I totally fapped during that scene.

Also, online is fail. FFXI is fail, IX will be fail, because both are made of grind and things like that.


Waiting for something
All I can say is: Who are you and what have you done with my S-E?? It really does just sound like they've forgotten what we loved about this company in the first place.

I know that S-E isn't just always about FF but come on lets face it, its what they're best known for and RPGs are definitley they're strongest point...or was maybe I should say..(I've not been overly impressed by a lot of they're newest installments)

But if they start saying they're putting everything online or incorporating some form of multiplayer into it...well then there goes my interest in any future RPG or FF installments by them at any rate....
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