SE cancels several in-development games

I would be happy if either...
1) The company removes the 'Square' part of its name and stops producing spin-offs and remakes related to the 90's era and early 00's of Square's history.
2) Square Enix faces complete bankruptcy.

The old era will not return. Square is dead. I'm tired though of those other guys that keep on fucking the corpse.

/end of whine

Edit: I can't deeply wish for #2 though, because I'm not that sadistic about the idea of the entire staff losing their jobs just because the higher-ups made poor decisions.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Great! I can't wait for them to finally focus on Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
This probably bears repeating: The Dragon Quest series is still going strong. It's the Final Fantasy series that has gotten retarded lately.


Note also that Square Enix isn't just FF games and the like, there's also Eidos franchises (Tomb Raider etc) that might've gotten cancelled games.

And there's nothing wrong with creating a lot of games, just as long as each one is marketable. There's only so much AAA-titles you can chuck onto the market and still be original.

I wonder what'd happen if one of the big game companies made, say, ten teams and gave them three months to produce a video game.
Great! I can't wait for them to finally focus on Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII!

I sense sarcasm.

If SE goes bankrupt, their assets will be sold off to pay their creditors, including the rights to the FF franchise, which could then well be owned - and made - by another company. Alternatively, another corporation could step in to rescue it from insolvency and then asset-strip it. Disney, maybe. How big a share, if any, does Disney hold in SE already?


If SE goes bankrupt, their assets will be sold off to pay their creditors, including the rights to the FF franchise, which could then well be owned - and made - by another company.

Give it to Mistwalker. :wacky:

Alternatively, another corporation could step in to rescue it from insolvency and then asset-strip it. Disney, maybe. How big a share, if any, does Disney hold in SE already?

If they have any share, it's less than 1.77% (which is the lowest on the list of S-E's principal shareholders).

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
I have fun with KH and all but I wouldn't mind if it got killed off mostly because I have no idea what the hell the continuity is at this point. I wouldn't be pleased if Versus got cut but... it's probably going to happen if push comes to shove :| really I just want my fabulous blond bitch Prompto Square is that too much to ask for?

How many strictly remakes have been made? I-IV for PSP? Would Tactics count as a remake as well as Valkyrie Profile or are those more like spin-offs?

At least Agito/Type-0 is still alive... for now.


I guess FF titles would be the ones least likely to be canceled. Anything with FF on it shits money. They're probably canceling anything that isn't 99% sure to make loads of money.


There goes my dream of them cancelling XIII-2.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I want XIII-2!!!

I wouldn't think - though i'm not going to make any bets - that they'd cancel any Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts games. Those series are too popular.

... ??? :(


Double Growth
First of all, bankruptcy isn't the death knell it used to be. Secondly, a big loss on the year doesn't equate to bankruptcy anyway. I think everyone's getting a bit ahead of themselves.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I guess I'm the only one who would be sad if Squeenix went down? I disagree with a lot of stuff they've done (ie billions of KH's spin offs and FFXIV) but there's a part of me that still loves them.

Oh and if shit didn't suck enough, Square Enix's Eidos website has been hacked- so they shat on the Tomb Raider and Deus ex sites basically. Stole their information.

dude what the fuck

seriously, this hacking shit is getting ridiculous.




Talk about backfire, :monster:.

I'm totally going to do a terrorist thing somewhere and say I'm Greenpeace or something like that.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Is there any evidence that Anonymous did this, or is it just speculation?


unsavory tart
I only heard that they were hacked, no other information has come out. In fact, the only rumors I heard that it might be professional-criminal hackers.

EDIT: Okay, it seems most are blaming it on a "splinter" Anonymous group

Ghost X

There are retards in every profession, including apparently the hacking profession =p. As for SE, if I had money I might buy Human Revolution, FFXIII Versus, and KH3 when they come out, but I couldn't care about them otherwise any more. The minds that produced decent games at that company have apparently left or become senile.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Oh and if shit didn't suck enough, Square Enix's Eidos website has been hacked- so they shat on the Tomb Raider and Deus ex sites basically. Stole their information.

I only heard that they were hacked, no other information has come out. In fact, the only rumors I heard that it might be professional-criminal hackers.

EDIT: Okay, it seems most are blaming it on a "splinter" Anonymous group

hackers: "splinter" Anonymous group

news bearer: Splintered


As for cancelling KH... I don't think they will. Isn't there supposed to be some other unexplained shizzle that they need to make a new game off of? I won't mind if they cancel it though.

Are they never making any more of the Mana series? D: Or at least a remake of Seiken Densetsu 3? :sadpanda:

Alex Strife

I don't mean VP got cancelled, but rather, that it's not popular enough to make them think they'll make good money with it, which means it's not even going to get started, any time soon. Now again, as you said, Square's "only" the producer, not the actual people who work on the game, so...

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
As for SE, if I had money I might buy Human Revolution, FFXIII Versus, and KH3 when they come out, but I couldn't care about them otherwise any more.

Don't worry, SE itself isn't really working with Human Revolution, Eidos is. And I hear from people who've played the game in previews, that its awesome.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Like I said, Human Revolution and Deus Ex in general aren't the brainchild of Square at all. They're just the parent company. The Deus Ex series has been around a while and owes none of its setting/plot/characters to Square whatsoever. Square Enix is only publishing the game, and I think helping out technology wise with some of the cutscenes.

The next person who assumes that Square-Enix has/does had an active hand in Deus Ex as far as plot/setting/development wise is getting punched in the face.
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