Pro Adventurer
I didn't "neglect" it. I just made a list of ten, fully aware that there are more than ten possible challenges. That's why I encouraged readers to share their own challenges and achievements at the bottom of the article.Why did you neglect to include the Tifa date, Low Affection Highwind challenge? It's challenging because you have to keep Tifa's affection rating above everyone else's but below 50 so you can get both the Tifa date and the Low Affection Highwind scene. You generally need a pen(cil) and paper to keep track of what everyone's affection ratings are. I've personally always wanted to try that challenge, but have always been too lazy to.
I can't say I've ever heard of that challenge, anyway, and Google doesn't bring up any information about it. Do you know where the idea originated, or do you know of anyone who has completed it?