

Harbinger O Great Justice

This looks like it'll be cool as hell and very much my kind of show. I'll be in Sweden when it's released, so I'm not sure when I'll actually get to go about binge watching it, but nevertheless, I am extremely excited.

X :neo:


3x3 Eyes
Just saw this advertised on Netflix and found this thread. Really looking forward to this show. Looks like it could be ace.


Joe, Arcana
Enjoyed the first three episodes so far and I'm also enjoying looking out for the episode title as it seems to be spoken somewhere in the ep :monster:


Joe, Arcana
It might be a bit slow. At the moment, though, I'm putting that down to necessary character development. There's a lot of balls in the air.

However, the 'What's Up' sequence in Episode 4 might be the most fantastic piece of television ever. That's if you count this as TV, anyway.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I was crazy disappointed with the first episode. I know JMS has a history of playing the Long Game with story, but I found all the characters really bland. Too many things were introduced all at once, it went for shock value and failed, and I couldn't remember a single character's name.

I then rewatched the first episode of Babylon 5, because I remembered suffering through the whole first season before it "got good" (these were simpler days back when what-was-on was what-ya-got). I suppose I was hoping for a similar feel to the pilot of Sense8, with messy pacing, no character development, and lack of story... but no, they manage to introduce more characters in more dynamic ways in less time and have an actual episode plot. The drawbacks with JMS's first show are dated CG, bad acting and 90s hair. The new one looks sleek, has some nice performances (Benjen Stark has something new for his demo reel!) and I only saw one mullet. But I didn't get anything else out of it.

Again, this is only going off the pilot, but in my day if you didn't have a pilot you didn't have a show. I hated B5 at first too, so maybe if this gets great reviews I'll try again.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I finished watching this show a couple weeks ago - I really enjoyed it. It's definitely slow the first couple of episodes because it's so focused on introducing all its characters, but it gets better and better as the season progresses (as the sensates get used to their powers they start sharing their skill sets and it makes for some really awesome sequences).

I had trouble keeping track of everyone's name the first couple of eps too, but I really suggest trying to stick with it if the pilot left you feeling meh (plus I'd say the Will subplot in the first ep was easily the weakest and given the times we live in kind of gross).

Edit: skimming that review, two things: 1) 'everybody speaks English' is purely for the sake of the audience; the characters are actually speaking their own native languages, but because they're telepathically linked they can understand each other. 2) 'all of the characters are tropes' - this was done intentionally. The characters are supposed to be riffs on stereotypes typical to their geographical region. They're all still very three-dimensional.
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Interesting premise. I've watched three episodes. I want to see more of the matatu driver!!

I found the sex gratuitous and pointless. Why did we need to see the dripping rainbow-coloured strap-on being dropped to the floor? Why did we need to see Wolfgang humping his booty call? Neither scene added anything to either the plot or the characterization (if it had, that would have been different). If I want porn I know where to find it. When I watch a TV series I want story. This has been bugging me more and more with a lot of TV shows.

The characters are all very likeable, which is what has hooked me into the show. I am interested in seeing how their "birth" affects them and how they deal with their new situation.

I hope there turns out to be some spectacular reason for the existence of the sensates, but given the Waschowski's track record, I'm not holding my breath. Style tends to trump substance in their work.

Edit: Claymore, that review hit the nail on the head - except I do actually care about the characters. I guess it's easy to play on my emotions. The "United Colours of Benetton" comment was exactly what I thought about the opening credits montage. I should have been more alert to the endless character cliches. What really drove me to exasperation was the Bollywood dance scene. It's like there can never be a show with Indians in it that doesn't have them breaking into a song-and-dance routine at some point. What colourful people they are!
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