Sephiroth should have Killed Cloud?


Save your valediction (she/her)
Have I gone in a time warp back to 2008?

Download the damn movie, you can buy it all you want later.

Or are we not supposed to condone downloading? Borrow it, then.
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Pro Adventurer
Kuroshu / Kuroato
Have I gone in a time warp back to 2008?

Download the damn movie, you can buy it all you want later.

Or are we not supposed to condone downloading? Borrow it, then.

OK OK Geez.... I will buy the movie with my Christmas Money!! LOL if i get any that is haha:lol:


Pro Adventurer
I can't stop loling at Sephiroth's sword. Looking at that picture it looks more than the average Masamune, which is around 6 - 8 ft I believe, but this one looks like about 10 maybe even 11 ft considering Sephirtohs 6 ft something.

It's freakishly long. :O


Pro Adventurer
Never saw ANY promotional stuff for the movie?


Notice how strong Sephy is here. Holding his Masamune, Cloud And Cloud's Buster sword with one outstretched arm. That takes beef, considering Cloud's sword weighs hefty. But this comes to no surprise considering it's Sephiroth here.

Back to the actual thread question, if Sephiroth really wanted to kill Cloud during AC/ACC when he had the chance he probably would have. But obviously he's a villain and villains do nothing but feed off other people's suffering, most of the time. Plus most villains fail when it comes to hero V villain or either nothing happens and the villain retreats.
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