Shape the future of #SquareEnix! Take a survey for a chance to win $100 to the fancy new Square Enix Online Store!
-Final Fantasy on Twitter
SQEX Survey Guide
SQEX Survey Guide
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Shape the future of #SquareEnix! Take a survey for a chance to win $100 to the fancy new Square Enix Online Store!
So Squenix hates iPads and iPhones?
Also "which of the following games are you currently playing" presents me with a huge list and I'm like HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO PLAY ALL OF THOSE SIMULTANEOUSLY ASdFHIJKL. Unless most people switch between several games a day, idk.
@attachments in OP: Surely most of us do like the genre of FFXIII because it's a JRPG? Just saying
If our combined nerd rage contributes to a return of SE glory days, we have Telcontar to thank .
They need to headhunt talent, damn it . Can you imagine a Kojima FF? I'm gonna need some kleenex.
Who made this survey? Why would they use survey monkey? Why wouldn't Squeenix host it on their own site? It doesn't look official.
I said the game I'd like to see Square Enix make the most is a new Final Fantasy game in the mold of VI or VI, but not a remake. What did you all put?
I'm in the lower age bracket in this survey. WINNING.
please... include... more... homosexuals... in... your... future... games
there, i'm done