Shin Megami Tensei series


Lv. 25 Adventurer
My brother got me Digital Devil Saga 2 for Christmas, tried playing it but it seemed silly playing the second one first so I got the first one just three days ago. Enjoying it so far :)
Also I've got Persona 3. These games are pretty underrated.


We have come to terms
So I picked up P2 for PS1 long while ago, but never bothered to play it (was playing Xenosaga Ep. III at the time, I think). What I'm wondering is...I saw earlier that it was in two parts? Wtf?

Also - I'd wanted to get Nocturne, but for fanboyish reasons (Dante). Is it still worth the buy without Dante, or will I be disappointed?

And overall, is SMT/Persona a good series (or is it multiple series under the same banner)? I so confuse.
I've heard lots of good things about Persona 3 but haven't gotten the chance to play it; it'll probably be my summertime RPG if I can manage to track it down at a local Gamestop. The new DS game sounds like it'll be good, too.

I'm currently playing through (fan-translated) Shin Megami Tensei. It's pretty fun, and got to be even more fun once I figured out that there is a map function. :monster: I'm not very far into it, but the story so far seems to be rather ahead of its time.

(or is it multiple series under the same banner)? I so confuse.

I think the Persona games are technically spin-offs of the SMT series, but I'm not sure.


AI Researcher
I've spent over a year on P3 (FES), in it came out in April 2007 :monster: Not playing it all that time, I stopped a couple of times. I still have the Episode Aegis last boss to do before I'm done with it. Though I doubt most people are as slow with it as I am :monster:

In English, they all seem to get the 'Shin Megami Tensei' title, but while they share elements, technically they're different series (SMT, Devil Summoner, Persona, Digital Devil Saga).

I saw earlier that it was in two parts? Wtf?
Persona 2 is made up of Innocent Sin/Tsumi and Eternal Punishment/Batsu, but only Eternal Punishment was released in English.

If you're expecting a lot of Dante in Nocturne, you might be disappointed there. He is only a quest character, and not so integral to the game that you can't take him out or completely replace him with Raidou from Devil Summoner (a la Chronical Edition). But I think it's still worth playing for itself, as long as you don't get one of those people who try to sell it for hundreds :monster:


We have come to terms
So the version of P2 available in English is incomplete, then?

It's not so much I want him to be important. Just want him to not suck :monster:


AI Researcher
How much he sucks or not depends on who you ask :monster: He's pretty good, but not so much against the last boss of the True Demon ending. And once he's in your party, you're stuck with him. You can't fuse him with other demons or get him to leave. So if you don't want to use him anymore, you're left with one less slot for other demons. And you can't summon him like regular demons, so if you wanted him again on a new game+ you have to do the whole side quest to get him over again.

I think EP does stand alone, but you're going to miss some elements and references? I never played P2, so I'm not sure really :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'm currently playing Persona 4. I've started both versions of Persona 3 (!), but fell around May (in game calendar). :-/ Also, only got so far in Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army (but the combat system in that was iffy, IMO).

In contrast, I've completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne (Lucifer's Call in the EU territories - the first MegaTen game to be released over here) twice - True Demon and Shijima endings. One of the best games I've ever played. Was I the only one who guessed that
the kid and the guy in the wheelchair were different aspects of the same being, and that being was Lucifer

This might be controversial, but I think Dante's dialogue in Nocturne/LC is better than his own games. :monster:

Incidently, has anyone ever received the same reaction I got from my local GAME store when I went to ask about Lucifer's Call? The staff gave a cheer and applause for me asking about "Shin Megami Tensei" - apparently no-one else had even tried to pronounce it! (Hurray for my Japanese course at college, eh? ;) )


hit was super effective !
Everyone where I am can pronounce "Shin Megami Tensei."

I've played Persona 3 and Persona 4. Persona 4 would have to be my favorite probably due to the upgrades from Persona 3. I really like the theme of PErsona 3 but almost every character annoyed the hell out of me (I'm looking at you Fuuka, Yukari, Metis.) I pretty much only liked Junpei, Akihiko, Shinjiro, and Koromaru.

And myself (Main character)

Anyone get the true ending in P4?


We have come to terms
It's not so much that I care about him storywise, though. I originally bought Viewtiful Joe because he was an unlockable character in it, and happened to really like the game :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Well, this WAS, what, five years ago now? We didn't even have BLEACH in the UK, back then. All we had was the Po's - Power Rangers, Pokemon... I haven't got the true ending in Persona 4 yet. I've only just got to saving Kanji's ass. Oh, wait...

Well Omega, Dante kicks ass in Nocturne. :) Just, when you first meet him? The ass he kicks is yours. Best entrance in a video game ever, though.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I should prolly play this series besides the Persona games. I only have Eternal Punishment, 3, and 4. I would love to play Nocturne or DDS, but they're fucking hard to find in stores. :\


AI Researcher
Yeah, if you didn't get there when they first came out, they can be hard/expensive to find later.

Atlus US were stupid for not including the Chronicle Edition of Nocturne with the English release of Devil Summoner 2, or just releasing it separately. There's no more Dante so there shouldn't be any copyright problems, and except for the new Raidou parts that replace the Dante ones, it's the same game they already released in English so should have been easy to localise.

Instead of a whole extra game, you got a stuffed toy :monster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I just got my copy of Nocturne in the mail. I wanna play it now so bad, but I'm gonna finish the game I'm playing first.

*bites arm*


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer


Green Mage
I played the original Persona years ago, it was one of the first PlayStation games we owned. Aside from being rrrrrrrrrrreally, really long, it was a really fun game. I especially liked screwing around with the Contact function. Hacking into the Snow Queen Quest using the Gameshark was also memorable, even if the whole script in it was garbled.

The remake of it got me all excited, but then I heard the music. I just couldn't play that version at all.

I'd like to try the newer games to see how much I'd like them.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'm glad it's Shin Megami Tensei something and not another Persona/Devil Summoner something :monster:
Tell me about it. :monster: It was starting to get a bit ridiculous - Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha (two games), Persona3 (and 3:FES) and Persona4, all spin-offs, all since the last "proper" MegaTen game, Nocturne/Lucifer's Call.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
:awesome: Hurray for the DS! I'll need something to play once I finally complete The World Ends With You! Wonder which demons will be in it? The main character being a soldier sounds kinda... boring, though...


AI Researcher
I still have a stack of DS games to finish, so I could do without another :awesome:

They showed two new demons there (Morax and Bugaboo), and there's some familiar names in some of the screenshots (Oberon, Titania, Girimekhala, Yamata-no-Orochi, Succubus, etc.).


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I still have a stack of DS games to finish, so I could do without another :awesome:
Have you played The World Ends With You? If not, it belongs on that list. Greatest DS SE game ever.
They showed two new demons there (Morax and Bugaboo), and there's some familiar names in some of the screenshots (Oberon, Titania, Girimekhala, Yamata-no-Orochi, Succubus, etc.).
Well, those are all cool, but I miss Moh Shuvuu from Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army :( But, Nekomata is pretty much confirmed, right? (Never played a MegaTen game without her in it!) :awesome:


AI Researcher
With over 300 demons, I'm sure there's space in there for Nekomata :monster:

Though I still want a HD MegaTen with Kazuka Kaneko doing the character design. Persona 5 will probably be the guy from 3 and 4 again. I'd like to see something in the style of Nocturne in HD.

Have you played The World Ends With You? If not, it belongs on that list. Greatest DS SE game ever.
That's in my 'finished but not completely finished' stack :monster:
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