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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So I've tried a few different versions, jpg and png and made sure that it matches the requirements but it's not showing up. It'll let me set it but it won't show up in posts. I'm doing this whole "Filthy Frank" thing and without the sig the avatar doesn't make as much sense. Any ideas? Thanks.

Edit: Well nevermind then, I guess it just popped up. That was... odd.

Consider the issue resolved lol. :thor:


Also could you like, not have suicide / antifa shit in your avatar / signature please?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Also could you like, not have suicide / antifa shit in your avatar / signature please?

It is a man who killed 6 million jews killing himself and a statement against those who would see his vision come to fruition.

If that's a violation of board rules then so be it, I'll remove them from my signature, but let's be clear that is what you are asking me to remove.

Edit: Updated.

Edit 2: Updated again. Hopefully this will be seen as a happy medium between the two.
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The Pixie King
Not that it's against the rules, it's just unnecessary for the nice environment we have here. Like preaching to the choir I guess. And imagery like that on either side is just a bit confrontational. And clashes with my beautiful l33t graphics. :P

Just steer clear of suicide imagery. It just hits a bit close to home for some people. Hope you understand.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Hello again, Pixel. I swear you haven't been so interested in my affairs until lately. I wonder why that is.


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Nothing, boss.

Anyways, Yop, I've removed any potentially offensive imagery and my avatar and sig are nice and friendly now, unless you happen to have unpleasant memories of Wolfenstein.


Only that we were stuck with the demo for a long time :monster:

Thanks for changing it; it's not against board rules and I didn't request it from a position of authority. Also what Pixel said, preaching to the choir.

Alex Strife

I guess I'm going to be the one to say it (and probably get in trouble for it), but I don't think all this passive-aggressive behaviour you're showing is good for anyone, JT.

Yes, I'm calling you on it even though that might be seen as rude and callous from my part, considering your situation. But consider this; I'm busy lately and I'm not here on as much as I would like to and yet I easily come across you being snarky towards others.

I'm not even judging anything sig-related since I did not see it to begin with. But I think you can simply disagree without the passive-aggressiveness.

You've generally been a cool guy and I can appreciate that you care a lot for those you hold dear. I find that noble. But I don't think anyone (you included) enjoys the bickering. Don't you think?

(If this is just a joke and you're responding in jest, consider myself ridiculed but I get the opposite impression actually.)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
What in the hell are you talking about apart from my not even concealed snarkiness towards Pixel? I was upset that I was asked to remove anti-nazi sig and responded directly to Yop.

Edit: If you are referring to my sarcasm toward Godot in my apology post, yeah I find useless self-righteousness irritating but didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

The transition thread is necessary since,I remember when I took over CM i was asking for all the help I could get.

I posted the latest FFX chapter, Kionaes Member Reborn and been ranting about,Trump,and the nazi scum who killed and injured,several of my neighbors. I think hating Nazis is a good thing.

What irritates me is that I am really just trying to move on with shit but every two seconds somebody wants to tell me "hey youre a piece of shit." So care to be a bit more specific?
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I think your aggressive opening to Alex says it all TBH. You've been acting like a cunt since you got called out for the doxxing post and the anti-Nazi stuff just seems like a very convenient outlet for your ire because it's an understandable viewpoint. However, telling people to kill themselves/die because you disagree with their viewpoint puts you on a par with fascists, can't you see that?

As for useless self-righteousness, I refer you to every Facebook post you've made in the last twenty four hours.

Alex Strife

What irritates me is that I am really just trying to move on with shit but every two seconds somebody wants to tell me "hey youre a piece of shit." So care to be a bit more specific?

So what you are saying is just because you are trying to move on with shit, we should all ignore if there's anything you do that's not correct? That you should get a free pass? I'm sorry but I don't think that makes any sense.

Also, don't go all drama queen on me here because I didn't say or imply you're a piece of shit, thank you very much.

As for me being more specific:

Yeah I know what you mean. I don't condone cheating with a married man either. :monster:

Omega called you out on something and you basically went full-snark by reusing the same expression he had used before while attacking what someone else did to defend yourself. Dick move, dude. Just because what that guy did was wrong, it doesn't make whatever you do any less wrong. Responding all "oh yeah, what I did was wrong? Well that guy did worse" does you quite a big disservice here. Quite a shame because I felt your opening message on that thread was both honest and respectful, not ignoring the fact yout felt aggravated but accepting you might have been wrong somewhere. You may not have wanted to make a big deal out of it but you clearly wanted to leave the answer there. The moment you write something, you should accept the consequences that can come with it. Just as I did right here despite the fact that I hate conflict and that I have literally no problem at all with you. I can think of one single situation where we had a disagreement in the past and it was handled well, I feel.

And then there's this very thread, where you overreacted. Yes, reacting with the snark you had over a signature is way too much, really. I hope those are valid examples for what I'm trying to say here. And for the record, I am NOT saying you are a "piece of shit". Maybe I'm trying to let you know where I think you are not doing well so that you can do better and successfully move on.

Regarding the Trump thread, I don't think anything there is too out of line to be completely honest with you. Though I continue to get the impression there that you're in quite an emotional mood and you react strongly to many things now. Just a feeling I get from what I read. Could be completely wrong. The point being that violence towards an openly racist group is still violence and it's not exactly the best course of action. It puts you at basically the same level as them. If you feel it is (understandable, I suppose), at least don't speak as if those who oppose that view are idiots.

That said, and I'm being completely frank, if you feel I should not bring this up anymore, let me know and I will make sure I do mention anything like this in the future. I am trying to help, not fight.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I think your aggressive opening to Alex says it all TBH. You've been acting like a cunt since you got called out for the doxxing post and the anti-Nazi stuff just seems like a very convenient outlet for your ire because it's an understandable viewpoint. However, telling people to kill themselves/die because you disagree with their viewpoint puts you on a par with fascists, can't you see that?

As for useless self-righteousness, I refer you to every Facebook post you've made in the last twenty four hours.

No I am mad at nazis who killed people ten minutes from where I live. That's not being self righteous that's having a moral center.

And yeah I am annoyed that I keep getting told "you're shit" for something I already owned and apologized for.

Alex Strife

And yeah I am annoyed that I keep getting told "you're shit" for something I already owned and apologized for.

I didn't tell you that you're shit. And if you apologise for something and continue to behave in the same way, what purpose did the apology serve in the first place?

You're proving my point. I tell you that you're being way too snarky and you blow everything out of proportion.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Can we just let this fucking thing blow over for fucks sake. We had a good fucking run there with no bullshit.

I'm not even picking a side here I sincerely think if people just gave it a week we could get back to business as usual.

/returns to the Abyss

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Alex: So all this is based on Godot's "shame on you" comment? Yeah, I was dismissing it with an emote we all use around here all the time.

As far as this sig thread I got annoyed by it but responded to Yop directly. I am proudly anti nazi and will remain so and if you all want to think I am "acting like a cunt" then that's your business.

And I wasn't asking for a free pass I was asking for you to be specific, so don't put words in my mouth.

Edit: Sorry, this got,ninjad by you and i couldnt reply to you so there was confusion there.

I'm annoyed by the Kafka-trapping of "if you counter me you are proving my point" by the way. None of this thread involved anybody but me and Yop,before people chose to insert themselves.

Alex Strife

And I wasn't asking for a free pass I was asking for you to be specific, so don't put words in my mouth.

What irritates me is that I am really just trying to move on with shit but every two seconds somebody wants to tell me "hey youre a piece of shit."

Responding that gives the impression that just because you are trying to move on with shit, you can't be called out if you do something that's wrong. If that was not what you were meaning there, I understand. But that was the impression you gave.

Edit: Sorry, this got,ninjad by you and i couldnt reply to you so there was confusion there.

No problem at all!! :)

I'm annoyed by the Kafka-trapping of "if you counter me you are proving my point" by the way. None of this thread involved anybody but me and Yop,before people chose to insert themselves.

No Kafka-trapping at all, Jason. You are missing the point. I don't care that you counter me. It's the way you are doing it, that proves it.

That said: you feel an open public thread does not involve anyone else. Fair enough. You're not going to hear from me rergarding this topic again. And you can bet I'll actively try to avoid thread where you're commenting. I know better than to waltz in where I'm not wanted*.

* I'm obviously referring to this particular topic, not the board as a whole! Wouldn't want anyone thinking that. :)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
And you can bet I'll actively try to avoid thread where you're commenting. I know better than to waltz in where I'm not wanted*.

* I'm obviously referring to this particular topic, not the board as a whole! Wouldn't want anyone thinking that. :)

This literally popped in as I was quoting you and I'm glad it did and avoided further confusion because the initial statement sounded an awful lot like what you, Mage and Godot are accusing me of doing.

Its just that this began as trouble with what was initially a filthy frank sig and ava not,working which i changed to anti nazi stuff in retaliation to the terror attack ,yesterday.

Then when I fix the problem and think things are all good (my thanking of,Yops final post should be obvious) you come in here and start with all this noise out of basically nowhere. So yeah it annoyed me and I reacted accordingly. Again Mage's term "acting like a cunt" seems way harsher and unjustified and proves my point.

I'm sorry I emasculated Omega with a cookie monster emote. Won't happen again.

Alex Strife

This literally popped in as I was quoting you and I'm glad it did and avoided further confusion because the initial statement sounded an awful lot like what you, Mage and Godot are accusing me of doing.

That's why I wanted to clarify it. I think we're both on the same page here on wanting to avoid confusion, right? :)

Its just that this began as trouble with what was initially a filthy frank sig and ava not,working which i changed to anti nazi stuff in retaliation to the terror attack ,yesterday.

Then when I fix the problem and think things are all good (my thanking of,Yops final post should be obvious) you come in here and start with all this noise out of basically nowhere. So yeah it annoyed me and I reacted accordingly. Again Mage's term "acting like a cunt" seems way harsher and unjustified and proves my point.

I have no problem admitting it might have been better if I hadn't said anything, knowing that you ARE feeling more emotional. Maybe, as Octo said, given a few days you would just go back to normal. But I don't feel what I said is wrong, still. I've been respectful towards you and I'm speaking both for you and the rest of the people here. And nothing I said was false.

Conclusion: if you do something wrong, I can't tell you. Alright, lesson learnt. I won't.

I'm sorry I emasculated Omega with a cookie monster emote. Won't happen again.

Again being passive-aggressive? Unnecessary. Very, very unnecessary. If I didn't know better (which I do, so don't worry about that), I'd think you have a personal issue with me.
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We have come to terms
I could make an incredibly long post in response to this (I was in the middle of doing so, in fact, before I took a half step back). Instead, I'm going to make this short, sweet, and to the point, on top of entirely devoid of emotion and full of fact.

Upon making your apology thread, you undercut the tone of seeking forgiveness from the community by being rude when I decided not to simply pat you on the back and tell you it was okay, as most of the other people in the thread have done. I believe that people should own their mistakes - myself included - and accept the consequences of their actions. I also believe they shouldn't try to rationalize their bad behavior, or excuse it by way of mitigating circumstances (just got fired from job, sick, etc). I left my post at "I can't condone this" - very short and succinct, and not even requiring a reply. Though, to be fair, it was not necessary for me to reply to your response, either.

We come then to this thread, where at time of posting, your signature contained an image of someone sticking a shotgun in their mouth and attempting to pull the trigger with their toes. Given the recent situation (and how a lot of people here have issues with that sort of thing in their own lives, myself included), I'm sure you can see how this would make people uneasy, right?

This begs the question of why you could not have simply PM'd a mod (Yop, let's say) about this, or put it in the private feedback forum when having this issue, instead of calling attention to said imagery by publicly posting a thread with a title that would naturally draw the reader's eye to your signature.

Then, in this thread, you continue to unnecessarily insult several members (I'm seeing Pixel and of all people, Alex Strife). I haven't even said anything until now, so why is my name being brought up?

Now, I'm going to level with you. I think you are incredibly lucky to have not been outright banned for your behavior. I'm not sure if it's explicitly stated in the rules, but I feel like the "what happens at X" rule might? cover calls for outright doxxing, and the obvious flaming would have certainly justified a weeklong ban at the bare minimum. I believe you are lucky to still be a member of this community in any capacity, and what you're doing now is simply burning bridges that you intended to keep up (otherwise, you wouldn't have felt the need to publicly apologize, right?).

I understand that you're going through a very intense time, physically and emotionally, but you're getting out of control.

And to end my post (that was actually longer than intended), you don't need to apologize. You've yet to emasculate me or hurt my feelings.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Again with the putting words in my mouth? You and Mage based on what appear to be two,interactions of the dozens I've had since that event are going "YOURE BEING SO SNARKY, YOU'RE BEING A CUNT" then when I dare to get annoyed at that you go "SEE YOURE BEING A CUNT". Have you heard of confirmation bias?

And thats not passive aggressive thats a direct insult, lets keep our terms clear, lol. (THAT is just a joke, btw)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Godot: Your name,is being brought up because of your Thanks. And my response to,you is not,meant to undercut my initial message. If you think it does that is your business, but my problem at that point was with your judgmental snark so i replied with snark of my own.

Vis a vis the suicide imagery I swear I didn't even think of it like that until you just mentioned it. I thought the suicide imagery mentioned was the hitler suicide. But yeah I can see that being a problem as Yop and Pixel pointed out so I chose to keep,my intent but in a less triggering way (I swear I am not,using that sarcastically).

Again, outside of one or two instances in my initial apology thread and here my demeanor has been completely ordinary because I am more involved in moving on. I am not going to seek every person's forgiveness, you either do or you don't and if you have a problem with me that's fine.

As far as why not PM an admin... Well hindsight is 20-20. I assumed an issue with a site function not,working at the time might warrant some looking at. It was not an attempt to create this lovely chain of events I can assure you.

Alex Strife

Again with the putting words in my mouth? You and Mage based on what appear to be two,interactions of the dozens I've had since that event are going "YOURE BEING SO SNARKY, YOU'RE BEING A CUNT" then when I dare to get annoyed at that you go "SEE YOURE BEING A CUNT". Have you heard of confirmation bias?

See the difference between:

"That's wrong, because [EXPLANATION]"


"What in the hell are you taling about, [EXPLANATION] + somebody wants to tell me 'hey youre a piece of shit' (when I didn't)".

I think I'm being quite clear, here. No confirmation bias. I say you are overreacting and when I told you, you overreacted. At this point I'm starting to wonder if you're dragging this longer than it needs to because it's convenient to keep your defense of people supposedly attacking you for no reason.

Jason, for God's sake. I have no problem with you. I came here and told you about this because I feel that you keep reacting too strongly to pretty much everything lately. And instead of understanding I'm trying to help here by pointing it out in case you did not realise, you flipped out. I'm sorry but I think you're wrong in this case. And being wrong does not mean you're shit, only that you're wrong. There'd be no drama in this if you just understood where I am (we are?) coming from.

What words did I put in your mouth in my previous post, exactly?


I said you've been acting like a cunt, not that you are one. To be quite honest I haven't had a negative thing to say about you up until now.
You've violated the 'don't be a dick' rule so many times if I were still staff I'd have temp-banned you by now. Since that's not my call it's neither here nor there but you keep posting in a forum rather than a one-to-one thread so you can't really complain when people read the content and choose to reply.

JT said:
No I am mad at nazis who killed people ten minutes from where I live. That's not being self righteous that's having a moral center.

Please feel free to be angry at all the other social injustices happening ten minutes from you too, the lady who was killed by the driver was doing something to help the local homeless as I gather. The self-righteous stuff I referred to included that video demonstrating how to cut your wrist, since the scribble on the paper that preceded it had words to the effect of 'how alt-right/fascists can help make the world better'.

JT said:
And yeah I am annoyed that I keep getting told "you're shit" for something I already owned and apologized for.

Who's said that? Who here has actually said 'you're shit' for doing what you did? I don't think I've seen anyone do so but feel free to correct me.
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