Similar Outfit

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I am well aware of SE's often lack of creativity (having studied the Compilation of FF7 pretty thoroughly over time), but would also like to highlight the fact that every now and again, they throw up a gamechanging moment that slap everyone in the face. Sadly, this is usually not deliberate, so the ingenuity of the writing staff cannot be credited as much as one may hope.

However, I cannot recall this topic ever being mentioned so forgive me if it has. I will lay down the gauntlet and state on the record (even with my extensive FF7 knowledge) that this means absolute fuck all. But, worth a shout, nonetheless.

Would anyone like to comment on how similar these two costumes are?



The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It really is just an unrelated coincidence. Genesis's uniform is meant to be a contrast with Sephiroth's (thus, the same clothing), and Nomura originally intended it to be white. Gackt Camui, however, requested it be red instead.

Since Gackt was to be the one wearing it, Nomura deferred to his wishes.

Ghost X

They are both black and red, and have a few belt buckles? They're not that similar otherwise?... or was that the point? :P.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
My focus was on the black leather in particular. Actually very similar. However, like I said, it does nothing for me. It just highlights SE's lack of originality, especially when Genesis appears in the secret ending of DC.

This thread was more of a "did anyone else spot this?" rather than a "OMFG, we are all dumbasses that it passed right by us for 4 years"


Save your valediction (she/her)
I don't really care. They're from the same universe, around 20 years apart. If I didn't know any better, I might argue that it was an intentional attempt to create a fashion continuity in the gameworld. But I DO know better, but so do we all, and Nomura's leather-buckle fetish has been a running gag since FFVIII.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
I don't really care. They're from the same universe, around 20 years apart. If I didn't know any better, I might argue that it was an intentional attempt to create a fashion continuity in the gameworld. But I DO know better, but so do we all, and Nomura's leather-buckle fetish has been a running gag since FFVIII.

Yup. Exactly what you said. I feel rather stupid now for raising the issue. Particularly because I was drunk as fuck on Kraken rum and watching the DC videos/clutching at straws


Great Old One
Particularly because I was drunk as fuck on Kraken rum and watching the DC videos/clutching at straws
Drunk at 7 in the morning? Someone needs to be nominated for a certain award :monster:

And OT, I don't think they're very similar save for being red and black. If you're gonna give SE shit for lack of originality because of this, then well... I'd hate to work at the coffee place you get your morning coffee :monster:

Ghost X

I'm strangely eager to be argumentative. The black leather designs are easily different enough for me to find them acceptable, but alas, it ain't worth butting heads over :monster:.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Drunk at 7 in the morning? Someone needs to be nominated for a certain award :monster:

And OT, I don't think they're very similar save for being red and black. If you're gonna give SE shit for lack of originality because of this, then well... I'd hate to work at the coffee place you get your morning coffee :monster:

If I worked at a coffee place that served Kraken Rum at 7 in the morning I would be happy as Nomura at a BDSM con.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Drunk at 7 in the morning? Someone needs to be nominated for a certain award :monster:

And OT, I don't think they're very similar save for being red and black. If you're gonna give SE shit for lack of originality because of this, then well... I'd hate to work at the coffee place you get your morning coffee :monster:

I'm strangely eager to be argumentative. The black leather designs are easily different enough for me to find them acceptable, but alas, it ain't worth butting heads over .

If I worked at a coffee place that served Kraken Rum at 7 in the morning I would be happy as Nomura at a BDSM con.

To all of the above, I'm Scottish. These things happen. And I'm not even sorry.


Pro Adventurer
on the topic of similar outfits, someone on another site just pointed out how ridiculous Nooj's outfit in X-2 is, and I had a moment of looking between his and Advent Children Cloud's.



Now there are obviously differences (and having a different color scheme helps make them distinct too) and I doubt one was deliberately ripped of the other, but it was definitely a moment of "these guys SURE went through the same designer" for me. Zippered ribbed top, asymmetry coming down with more protection/cover on the left side (Nooj has his leg bracer on the left as well), all hail the glorious belting; just the way it's put together makes me stop and wonder. Clearly now that X is a predecessor of VII, Nooj is the vision fashionary of Spira.

And isn't that a bit terrifying.


Pro Adventurer
For me Genesis' outfit is most similar to Dante from DMC (A character I'm not really familiar with)


Aside from that I find all Nomura designed characters to be unique, Amano's however, look very similar to each other to me, in clothing style at least.
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Double Growth
Eh, yeah, Genesis' outfit just looks the most similar to Sephiroth's to me. And that was intentional so, no problem there.

I don't really see it with Nooj and Cloud either. I mean I can see the similarities, but Nooj's has so much going on, Cloud's "matches" more. Also, for all of Nomura's belt thing, and Cloud's does have plenty of straps, I do give credit for most of the straps on Cloud's outfit clearly being attached to something (His pauldron, his sheath, half-cape), as opposed to just being everywhere for no reason at all.
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
My main beef with Clouds AC outfit is the sleeve and pointless...apron thingy. I mean I guess the sleeve had a use to cover up his scars from cutting geostigma. But what was the skirty/apron thing all about?

I'd say that was impractical, the kind of thing that could easily get caught in the wheels of a motorbike :monster:


My main beef with Clouds AC outfit is the sleeve and pointless...apron thingy. I mean I guess the sleeve had a use to cover up his scars from cutting geostigma. But what was the skirty/apron thing all about?

I'd say that was impractical, the kind of thing that could easily get caught in the wheels of a motorbike :monster:

It's less impractical than heels, your argument is invalid :monster:


Double Growth
I was disappointed when Cloud had the sleeve back in Dirge of Cerberus. Since Advent Children did really imply he only had it to cover his geostigma.


Pro Adventurer
It's less impractical than heels, your argument is invalid :monster:

My main beef with Clouds AC outfit is the sleeve and pointless...apron thingy. I mean I guess the sleeve had a use to cover up his scars from cutting geostigma. But what was the skirty/apron thing all about?

I'd say that was impractical, the kind of thing that could easily get caught in the wheels of a motorbike :monster:

Don't forget that without a mask and shades, Cloud should be like:


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You mean they had drawn one on then couldn't find an eraser? :D

Probably what happened. The various development teams didn't communicate for shit if the intact Shin-Ra building in DoC is anything to go by. Cloud with the sleeve was probably animated before they even knew he was losing it.

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Probably what happened. The various development teams didn't communicate for shit if the intact Shin-Ra building in DoC is anything to go by. Cloud with the sleeve was probably animated before they even knew he was losing it.

Yeah, that was a bit ridiculous. You'd think they would at least have had an old copy of FF7 and a PSX lying around for research purposes.
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